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Messages posted by: Ray Johnson
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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The HOF just changes with time. I don't think people were inducted merely to fill up the spots at the start of OB. It may've been easier to be inducted back then (none of us were around then) but clearly the circumstances were different.
Raper, that is one of the worst shoops I've ever seen, although I find the religious connotations quite amusing.
Redneck wrote:where i live we start celebrating the evening before the first Christmas-Day.

Your town is really ahead of society, Redneck! It's like you're celebrating 'christmas eve' or something!

Goldenboy. wrote:

dont talk smack,

we don't need to to do the reaper vs gboy feud again,

your boxing skills are a third what mine are and I don't even box as a sport.

I'll be back in the UK for 3 weeks before my fight in Austraslia in march if you feel like sparring a few rounds.

Telling Raper you'll kick his ass for warning you not to post your personal details? A fine example of an entirely necessary statement.
Red Viper wrote:This is my third day of fighting in four months, so who are the top 10 fighters as of right now?

My opinon:
1 - Ashton
2 - Redneck
3 - Rocky Marciano
4 - Fatny
5 - Jhon aka James an Braddock
6 - Yacoob aka Serious Business
7 - HTF
8 - Fatny
9 - Oscar
10 - Joe Pesci

The actual top 11
1. Here To FIght
2. James A. Braddock
3. Dick E. Boon
4. Unstoppable
5. Fatny
6. slugger
8. popeye
9. Steven Seagal
10. bean
sterlihalla wrote:Boon u totally full of it u sad old man.
I seen u duck alot of people that cud of had shots all u was bothered about was talking on chat and declineing challengers.
Reason for 2 is because of people like u.

Then what happens when Boon gets 2 titles? The exact same thing. The only argument is that there's less of a chance of people like Boon getting titles. That's actually a pretty weak argument. The only reason the champ doesn't have both titles is because people are randomly playing in a different room, which has never made any sense.
The Great Yacoob wrote:I have been practicing as a monk for 2 years now and am taking it to the next level in which I will abstain from playing video games and focus more on training in Shaolin Kung Fu, finishing writing my fictional book, and my musical album which will be releasing next year sometime.

Lmfao. You're a monk now? I'm genuinely looking forward to buying your book. I expect some crazy-ass shit.

The Great Yacoob wrote:remember to always strive for GOD in everything you do. Life is very hard but it is truly a gift. I have been a strict vegan for the last 7 months. celibacy is effortless for me now after a tumultous purification process. i honestly do love Christ or the energy of Christ. Love is the way to all peace and tranquility i believe and that is what i strive for everyday. So with that said i wish you all the best and goodbye until next time.

So here you basically explain how you've had your balls removed.. Yeah, being vegan is fucking pathetic and so is 'loving Christ'.. But good luck with that bollocks

The Great Yacoob wrote:by the way you guys have gotten very good at this game i have people I used to walk all over destroying me like im a noob now lol.

The actual reason you're leaving - you're a noob. Honestly, if you are an insane monk, then good luck. I hope the rest of the world realizes how crazy you are. Then when you return to OB I can get back to ripping your head off.
In this thread its already 6/8 players needed for a 8-man tourney. I like the idea of tournaments. This looks promising if you're all still in.
CaptainAmerica wrote:we need a second belt [..] because the belt holders are inactive.

I agree with Boon. If the champ isn't fighting then its the fault of the champ not the game. I don't know what quantity i would set for minimum defenses per week, but just 1 is definitely not enough.
Tuurbo wrote:what about paul dion productions style thing that was pretty good

PDP was good (though I have no clue how that worked). You'd need someone to organize that too, right? That's a lot bigger than a simple tourney.
The Great Yacoob wrote:The Great One is still here to support this family.

As am I. I guess there just isn't much to talk about right now..
Redneck wrote:Ray always was the one with the most intelligent and sarcastic comments but he does not play the game anymore (i miss the conversations on the game when he punked other players and they were not able to follow him in the most cases.)

Lol, I've never said anything intelligent. To be honest, I have brain equal to bean. Nevertheless, the person with the supposedly highest IQ is TRPCHE (even trpche agrees).

1. Redneck loves everyone in OB.
2. Mikkel doesn't treat anyone as inferior, apart from Yacoob because everyone is superior to Yacoob.
HTF wrote:I think if people could all login at the same time and finish a small one up in 1 night it would be cool.

That's never worked.. at least not in the time I've played here. Brackets have always worked much better.

Yacoob, if you keep slapping people soon $1,000,000 will become worthless and the economy will collapse. Maybe you're cause of the recession.. and when things finally calm down "The Great Yacoob" comes and fucks it all up again with his slapping nonsense.
HTF wrote:137 ping

not me..
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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