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Messages posted by: Ray Johnson
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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Tuurbo wrote:besides. phonecall.....who the fuck gets phonecalls. please bruv.


Fucking loner..
Redneck wrote:i understand what you mean.

For a foreign guy, your sarcasm skills are great.
Redneck wrote:i did that before mikkel. Its my european headquarter the servers in europe are perfect (30-40 ping) and then in washington (?) it starts to get 150 ping (followed by three or four servers). I already did all i can do to get the best possible ping mikkel. I use the Schlabbach connection method to win 10-15 ping...only thing i could do is ordering "fastpath" from my provider...but its not possible for me because the buffer-zone for fastpath in my region is not supported (i asked my provider people to switch it to fastpath..). If you dont know what fastpath is....there is always a fault-correction from the providing service for dsl to guarantee fast and faultless downloads etc. that highers the ping a little bit. If you order fastpath its nothing more to switch that fault-connection off, but the only one that can do this is the provider-service, you got no chance to do that at home.

Yeah, me and Oscar found the same sort of thing with our ISP. I don't have control over it so I don't know if it works but if it did then awesome. HTF did mention packet loss, but that seems to be unfixable. As for wireless lag, great post Unstop.
Chosen dIck wrote:What do you think about this guy?

Well, Redneck is one of the finest characters I've met. As for you, you are a living example of the fucking retarded. You think that creating this thread is going to help your case in any way? Especially when the majority of people in the game like having Redneck around.. and they also tend to disagree with cheating dipshits who cheat.

Chosen dIck wrote:P.S. I have not been fighting since 25/11/10 but maybe Ill be back for couple fights soon. As Maxie.

This "PS" is dumb as fuck and it allows everyone on the forum to see that you're just a stupid fuck talking shit. I'll show you how:
"I haven't been fighting since .." - A convenient excuse if Redneck kicks your ass in the ring.
"maybe Ill be back" - So basically, if you're too pussy to fight anyone instead of just talk shit, you have an excuse here that shows you never really HAD to come back.

Why don't you just fuck off?

Redneck is cool and you're a fucking asswipe. Piss off.
Unstoppable wrote:OB is Dying slowly

I like how you're positive about everything Unstop.

Well, anyway, Boon and Vapor will be back soon enough. I think Boon is just a bit depressed right now after the death of one of his students.
Tyrant wrote:Boxing was always my favorite part. Even vs the sluggers and spammers. I'd lose some and win some. But what was most fun to me was trying hard to win with the style that I enjoyed fighting. Not just winning. I always liked to see whether my boxing-counter punching style could work vs anybody.

Tyrant is right. But if your only goal is to win then change it up along with the settings. Under any settings its always a fair contest.
Unstoppable wrote:Looks like its flip-sided... john is retired in my eyes.... IM JUST SAYING...

Yeah.. you knocked out John into retirement..
Marvin"Ko Machine"Hagler wrote:Glad to ser OB still running hehe I still see some familiar names here!

Anybody remember this ol veteran?

I do, fagler. However, I doubt you remember me cause you never really looked at who you were constantly talking shit to.
Redneck wrote:that sounds very very good. I do the same...just not chasing a girl..that goal i already archived and i am fucking happy with her
Happy New Year Ray!

Haha, good on you man
Mikkel wrote:Happy Newyear !

And don't drink too much.

And to everyone who will quit smoking, remember to smoke as much as
possible today.

2011 will be the year when OB WILL BE THE MASTER OF THE WORLD !!

My new year's resolution is to become champ and stop unstoppables dumb style

PS watch out for fireworks, that shit is dangerous.

My new years resolution is to do some fucking work. Also, keep in contact with everyone. And to find a girl to chase. Fuck yeah.
Unstoppable wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:lool so theres nothing i can do? my wireless connection is pretty solid and i dnt lag on other games but this one.

The only thing u can do is pray mikkel gets a better server... otherwise all wireless users will lag... thats just based on what i see... Im in Fl right now using wireless and im skipping too with 36ms ping...

Why is it wireless specifically? I'm no IT expert, but the internet is WAN so whatever you connect to it should be the same? I ask because I'm skipping too at ~137ms.
sterlihalla wrote:ive noticed there not alot of pure boxers left seems like everyone is jus slugging it out these days for example spamming the right hand or spammin the lean jab.

What the fuck is with your prejudice against slugs?

When you're out of arguments, you can always resort to pleading.
HTF wrote: Strip me i cant fight right now sorry for the delay..... See u guys some time in the future

Your avatar is seriously gay. Intense homo stare.
Kessler wrote:Long time no see people. I haven't fought properly since January 09. Many people still play?

What's up fag? Quite a few people play now. Return, you'd enjoy it.
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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