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Messages posted by: Ray Johnson
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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johnbludger wrote:Most of the fighters are back. Only people that we are missing is Larry. Nigel, and Viper.

Knock off Nigel buys knock off buys DVD's.
Surj wrote:Dude you are such a pussy nobody freezes fights on purpose. Wireless internet is a big thing in today's world not everyone can have a great wired connection like me. I swear if I hear another fighter bitching about frozen fights I am gonna flame the fuck out of them.
Quit being a whiny bitch and just fight.

Whether people freeze fights on purpose or by accident, making a list of people that you can't fight still takes a big chunk of the game.

What if Maxie becomes champ? People will still fight him even if Redneck doesn't, so now Redneck can't be champ because he'd have to risk fighting Maxie? Not to mention, all fights permanently affect a persons record.. and we all know how important that record is.

I honestly get where he is coming from, although I don't think its enough to be cornered into this kind of decision. Redneck, you could, instead of quitting, make tons of alt accounts like Rocky and Vargas did.
I vote everyone Redneck mentioned.

Also, can I be on the cheaters list
Surj wrote:Fuck stamina Mikkel!

and dont forget to add super powers like fireballs and spears!

Seconded. I want a hadouken and/or lightsaber.
Redneck wrote:Much more new guys take a look to OB...some stay. So OB is growing and growing. Nice work from you guys Mikkel and Fatny (search engine optimizing, new site-look etc.).
Really great!

Whatever has been done worked really well. Good job to everyone involved.
Redneck wrote:you are absolutely right with what you wrote here ray. He is really not very clever. I wonder how he managed it to register to this forum and write things here.

For that unbelievable effort he gets this here from me:

but dont try to do any conversation with this cro-magnon type...he is not able to do this already. But nice that you gave him a chance But then the result: total failure.

haha its always nice to make fun of someone who can't even understand how badly they're being insulted from time to time.
Mikkel wrote:It's really complex to balance things, and I dont think anyone would ever agree on settings. everyone wants me to change settings every other week.

While I don't know anything about the gameplay, I can agree that this is accurate and unfortunate I'm sure everyone will work out some agreement anyway.
Seconds Out wrote:??? He was talking about in the OB CHAT LOBBY. So get the fuck off my nuts you little homo queer.

No fucking shit, dumbfuck. What's your point? You're too fucking dumb to understand my post? Weak.
Seconds Out wrote:wow nice thread hijack you fucking retard. This game is full of shit talk if you dont like it. Then leave.

Id rather see a bunch of shit talking people then people who knock frozen people out. so stfu

Yeah, he really 'hijacked' the thread posting things like "in my fights he never cheated" while you've posted "dude is a bitch" and "you dick head". Unlike you, he actually gave justification for his opinion which was related to the topic, so he gets to call you out on your bullshit and attack your credibility.
Welcome back, fag.

Are you the same Clay I remember?
You raise a valid point.. Even still, the ranking system should be improved and not replaced with 'opinion and fantasy' as you put it. If players feel the ranking system is so inaccurate then perhaps it deserves another modification.
Redneck wrote:what is the sense in making a Top10 without objektivity? If you are so keen on making a top10 you should do it mathematical.

But if you have fun with Top10-Opinion-lists carry on with it. For me this lists without mathematical basis and just Opinions are fairytales

The idea is not bad john, but i need the facts in such someone can do it mathematical and we need just 1 list. This Opinion-Lists are funny...6-7 lists from different players with absolutely different Top10. That is fun but not a good list.

Hey check it out, I found I automatically updated mathematical ranking system for OB.
Red Viper wrote:Beholds, this is me

Didn't you say you couldn't get a chick because you were ugly. I guess your confidence has improved some over the last year.

Sterlihalla wrote:Here is me and carl froch at my gym before the jermain taylor fight
The funniest thing about that picture is you both look like cardboard.
Surj wrote:dude i waited for you for over 3 hours for a shot and u said you were about to fight me 10 minutes later u just logged off wtf

Ha, you have too much time on your hands. You should've read a non-fiction book instead.
sterlihalla wrote:whats new with everyone?

Just let u know whats new with me im stil [..] so wish me look

You pretend to care what we are doing, but you've only asked the question to show how awesome you are instead.

[..]Erm i also was doing [..]

"Erm", like your life has been full of awesome things since you've left and you can't think of one to say.. then bombard us with awesome stuff you've done just to take extra piss.

Thats bout all thts new with me

Acting like you've done nothing much, like it's everyday stuff you've been up to and nothing too awesome.

hope u people been getting on with stuff too.

'Hope' as in you wish with your heart that we've all had as much fun? No. You pretend to so that we can feel even worse about not having done anything.

Congrats on John even tho ur hof was tainted and not 100% because of lack of opposition you still outlasted alot of people.

Being a prick and directly taking the piss.

Thank you mikkel for opening 2d again because i wasnt really feeling 3d i have so many problems with getting it to work

Being a prick, but you pretend you're still nice with the fake compliment.



I don't know what it is with you but everytime you write, I visualize a massive retarded prick. Not trying to offend you or anything. I don't dislike you, you just write some seriously funny shit. Honestly I could learn a few things from your concealed hatred for everything in existence.

EDIT: Also, hi!
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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