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Messages posted by: catfish2
Forum Index » Profile for catfish2 » Messages posted by catfish2
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Professor wrote:Anti-sign

your gangster hoodie is an Anti-sign
good job man!
LMFAO! It's a true tragedy. God I miss OB.
the writing in people's signitures, some of it is in colour, mine is black... i want colour, how do i do that?
woot it's so fun ^_^

anyone play it?
Ray Johnson wrote:
catfish2 wrote:Well I did it. I traveled over 10,000km in my honda civic. I went from BC, to Alberta, to Saskatchewan, to Manitoba, to Ontario. Saskatchewan was the only place i wanted to die in.

After we got to ontario, bad things happened, and we traveled back home.

My story is fairly short due to lack of time, but i got a few pics, well, it says i can attach 3, so i did three.

I'll get more later.

Anyway I'm back now, so i'll start playing again when i get free time. I live in my own apartment with my girlfriend, and i have a job, so i'm busy more than ever now.

anyway, im glad to be back.

Sup fish, u gonna come back to OB?

ya i hope so.
now im pissed cuz the pics won't come up.

blah whatever i'll figure it out later
Well I did it. I traveled over 10,000km in my honda civic. I went from BC, to Alberta, to Saskatchewan, to Manitoba, to Ontario. Saskatchewan was the only place i wanted to die in.

After we got to ontario, bad things happened, and we traveled back home.

My story is fairly short due to lack of time, but i got a few pics, well, it says i can attach 3, so i did three.

I'll get more later.

Anyway I'm back now, so i'll start playing again when i get free time. I live in my own apartment with my girlfriend, and i have a job, so i'm busy more than ever now.

anyway, im glad to be back.
Redneck wrote:so post us on your last day in your old life. So we can keep the fingers crossed for you.


sounds like a plan.
Ray Johnson wrote:
catfish2 wrote:YOU are big mac? oh wow im sorry man, i didn't even know. like i said i would probably forget to mention some people, but now i definately remember big mac, i'll put something in for you man.

I take it you have access to the internet then

NO! REALLY!? how'd you figure that one out ray?

i'm still packing and working a ton to get everything together. i didn't just write the post and then jump in my car and drive off, im just giving people the heads up.

But thank you so kindly ray johnson for noticing. you've always been a sharp one.
M. A R A G O N wrote:the sexiest man retires?
This calls for a SEXY retirement party.

notices my name and Big MAC's name isnt mentioned......

YOU are big mac? oh wow im sorry man, i didn't even know. like i said i would probably forget to mention some people, but now i definately remember big mac, i'll put something in for you man.
This will probably be my last post for a very long time.

I am not angry at anyone, I did not lose in an embarrassing match, I am not bored with the game, I am not fed up in anyway.

The reason I am retiring, is because of my journey ahead. If you haven't read my post already, I am leaving, to go across the country, and live with my girlfriend. I don't know when or if I'll be coming back.

2500 miles I'll travel, just like how many wins I have on this game. That's pretty awesome.

So to avoid people going on and asking where catfish disappeared to, or if he was banned again, I'll save you all the trouble. I'm leaving, and I don't know when I'll be able to get on this game again. (Access to a computer is limited, and undesirable where I'm going.)

However before I leave you guys, I wanted to say goodbye to certain individuals who made my obsessive gaming pleasure here, more...well... pleasurable

Mikkel: This is an obvious given for 2 reasons: Thank you so much for making such an awesome game, and thank you so much for unbanning me. You wild man.

BigMac/Maragon: I seriously had no idea you were big mac, maragon. You wild man, i don't mean to be mean, but i just remember beating big mac up a lot, but the awesome thing was, he just kept coming back for more. You had a lot of courage man. You talked a lot of trash jokingly that just made this game a lot more enjoyable, im sorry i forgot to mention you earlier, cuz BigMac disappeared and hasn't been talked about for sometime. But I'll remember for good this time.

Tyro/Stealth: You came out of nowhere, right during a clan setup. I had nobody around who wanted to join me, and you followed me after barely even knowing me. Keep training.

Yeman: I remember finding you on my facebook randomly, thanks for that. No no, and you're a good fighter.

Marvin Hagler: You probably made me the most angriest out of any other fighter. I remember coming on, and saw you getting beat up by everyone online, then i fought you, was winning, then all of a sudden got randomly knocked out and lost. I looked like a fool in front of everyone, and when i rematched the exact same thing happened. I had never been so angry, and I'm sorry I freaked out at you. lol. I'm just glad when I found you later I beat you so badly your mom didn't let you inside the house for a month.

Blanco/Fernando Vargas: When I was fairly new at this, I saw Blanco, and he beat me badly, i fought him at least 20 times and couldn't win. Years passed, and i fought Fernando, who was Blanco, and i still couldn't win. You were always ahead of me Fernando. I hope you stop making alts and get yourself some belts man.

Pitbull: I knew you for about a week but i sure liked you. You'll probably never read this either. LMFAO

iloveaxe08: You were the first girl i met on OB. Why'd you leave huh? You too good for OB so you went back into prostitution!?

Serious Business: You really were a riot, I was always a clown on OB, and you were hilarious too. I'm glad i got to know you man. How's Gears of War? lol

Zab Judah: I honestly don't like you, but you were one of the first fighters i fought when i came here in 2005. You were so rude. i hope you die. jk. rofl.

Credo: I remember we got along pretty good, but then you disappeared. you were a good fighter man.

Jigsaw: WOOOOT!!! i remember when i first met you i hated you and made fun of you just cuz of your name. (i used to HATE the Saw series, and jigsaw is the bad guy) but you are a really cool guy. Our fighting style was the same, and we were back and forth in our fights. You keep at it man, you're gonna be great.

Larry Holmes: When i first met you, you beat me up, and lost your streak randomly. Then you never fought me again cuz you thought i hacked the game. (which i never did.) good times sexy larry.

Tyrant: I love resident evil, i don't know if you're still a fan of it, but if you are, that's awesome.

Flash: When i first saw you fight, i was in awe. You had incredible speed, and your style was awesome. I trained wanting to be like you. I don't know if I'm as awing to others as you were to me, but thanks for being my secret role model. I never told you cuz i hated losing to you all the time.

Nigel Benn: I remember when i met you, you complained that everyone was afraid of fighting you (which they were) so i fought you tons just to get your respect. i lost all the fights, but i hope you respect me now for not ducking you.

Profsback: You're usually immature but sometimes you really crack me up.

Chopper: i remember we had the same record pretty much all throughout our time here. our skills were extremely close too. good fight the other day by the way, that was intense.

Oscar: This guy deserves a medal. He's the most mature guy i've ever met. He knows how to play this game and have fun, and not get angry over stupid crap. You guys could learn a thing or two about being a gentleman from this guy. Oscar also does a lot for this community, thanks for the graphics and everything you do for ob3d and ob2d. Peter, i'm glad i got your msn. Although you usually play xbox360 all the time haha

The Sniper: You were a good guy man, we became friends later on, and then you quit playing, but i'll remember you and your green shorts. lmfao.

Pats: You were a cool guy to talk to and fight, i'll remember you man.

Salvadore Sanchez: You're a sweet guy, fun times getting my ass kicked by you. Try to get a girl that can tame you already man, you get sick of your girls too quckly. lmao.

Boxa: You trained me, and for that im grateful. Sorry we got into some fights along our OB adventures together, they were unneccessary, and i apologize. You're a great fighter, and you deserve your ranks.

MonkeyTail: You're probably one of my favouritest guys to talk with. You've had one hell of a life man, I hope to be as strong as you one day. Keep training that herculean nephew, and take care of that dog. You're the man MonkeyTail, i'll miss you.

Godfather: You've always been a pretty laid back guy who did what he wanted, and didn't give a crap. I loved that, especially on Ventrilo when you just sat there and burped all the time. Good times.

Redneck: We don't get along very well, but we do have stuff in common, like how powerful our computers are, and what games we like to play on them. Keep on gaming man.

Kuyajosh: Ventrilo was funny man, we had some good times. You're a good fighter, and im gonna miss seeing ya around. I'M A ROBOT!

Chrille: You're a riot, i remember you had a 60+ winning streak and avoided everyone. That was hilarious. You're a funny guy, but you got some skills in the ring.

D-Box/Boxme: You go way back, i remember you in the early days. Keep on fighting man, i haven't seen you lately however, but get your butt back here.

John: You're a good fighter, it was fun watching you fight, and fighting you.

Dick E. Boon: You're a legend of lag, you're hilarious man. One day, i hope to see a miracle, when your ping goes in the 2 digits.

Fatny: I didn't like you at the start, and called you fagny a lot. but you're a really nice guy, and i hope your trip in thailand goes good. (careful of all those strippers eh?) You'll always be the best fighter on OB, no matter what others say, Fatny is the greatest that ever has been and ever will be.

Edder: You i'll probably remember the most, just cuz of your outbursts of rage, and then all of a sudden you're a happy little guy again. I'm sorry i was racist to you, and made fun of you when you were going nuts, but you're a really good guy and i'll miss seeing you "lil ed".

Red Viper: We never got along until recently, but you've always been an incredible fighter. A lot of people will underestimate you, and you know this. They'll think you're lucky when you get a KO. but luck is far from it. If you were lucky, how come you have the highest KO ratio in ob history? a fluke? i don't think so. You're a dangerous fighter, and always will be.

The Reverend: I really will miss you man, you were a sexy fun guy. Take care of those kids for me, and keep playing. Revvie's the man, he's a totally cool dude and everyone knows it.

Donny King: I like this guy, he's sharp and witty in his comments, he doesn't take crap from anyone. He's a cool guy, who also knows how to be chilled and relaxed. He's an awesome moderator.

Couture: We never knew eachother really, but you had some funny stuff to say at times, i think it was you who put that picture of Reaper up with his fishnet shirt, and got everyone laughing.

Alex & Jan: You guys were with me when i sucked, we all fought hard, but i came out of the mud, and you guys dissappeared, i wish you would come back guys, i miss you.

Yacoob: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!! we go WAY back. You mean a ton to me man, i wish you were here in canada so we could hang out, you need to get out of the states man. I wish you luck getting those big ladies you love so much, and don't ever lose your humour, it's what keeps this community alive. You give us life man.

Cassius/Captain America: I remember when you were getting beat on all the time, and i said i'd train you. You were my best student. You learned so fast, you rose up the ranks quickly. I'm so proud of you, you really beat the crap out of the fighters now. You've gone beyond my expectations for you, you're a top 10 fighter, and you're a future champ Cassius, I hope one day you turn into the Muhammad Ali and take down everyone here.

Tigeruppercut: Early on, when i was new, you were nice to me anyway, even when i sucked. Soon we became some pretty tough cats, and we had some big fights. I hope you keep fighting man, you're an awesome fighter, you deserve to be in the top 10.

Reaper: yeh i hted u soo bdly @ tha strt, bt u bcame prtty cooool lyk mah bra diego rip. soo stfu nd gt out off retirriment. carm dwn rearly noblet. rofl dofl with springles on top. lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol!!!! rearly...

Floobie/Ken Norton/alts/morealts/andevenmorealts: You were way back, WAY back. But i became better than you, so im happy. I'm glad you're here though man, you're a good fighter and i liked it when you were around.

Ray Johnson: You're missing a nut, and you spam, but you're a cool guy and i'll miss you believe it or not.

That 1 Dope Mexican/Feroz: You aren't around anymore, but you sure were good man, you need to get back and fight some more, you could really make a comeback man.

Rocky Marciano: You've gotten really good Rocky, i never was able to surpass you, but im alright with that. you make top 3 in power rankings in my book any day. If you get bored, take a break, and come back hard, you're a fighter who shouldn't quit, you got what it takes.

Goldenboy: when we first met we weren't really cool with eachother, i called you goldenpenis all the time, but we became really good friends. I think we were best friends at one point, but then you said boxa and HTF were, so i guess im out of the loop now. either way, you're awesome Josh, and I hope i can see you on msn sometime, if i ever get the chance.. you're a brother to me.

I'm sorry if i forgot some friends in here, the rest of you guys like HTF, Black Bear, Unstoppable, MAB, etc. were awesome dudes, but we didn't really have much of a relationship that i can write about. Everyone on here is awesome, and i think the world of this game. But i gotta retire.

I may not be champion material.
I may not be ever wanted for HOF.
maybe i won't be considered a Vet of this game either.

but i know i made noise.
Everyone will remember my name, everyone will know i was the sexiest man alive, and i brought something fun to this game. I tried my best, and I really enjoyed being here.

Thank you everyone, for everything.
umm no idea if im going through pennsylvania. im trying to get to ontario from bc, and the shortest way on mapquest is going through the states.

sooo ya lol

lmfao "I AM NOT A EDUCATED MAN" that made me laugh. good response.
ok so here's the thing, i MAY have to travel across the country in my vehicle, the distance is a little over 4000km, (2500 miles).

I have a honda civic hatchback, 1993, 1.5litre, (i think) and it's 4 cylinder.
it has about 240 000 kms on it.

so here are my questions:

1. how much gas will this take? price estimates etc.
2. how should i prepare before i leave?
3. will my vehicle be able to make this trip? lmao

thanks any answers would be just lovely.
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