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Messages posted by: Donny_king
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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Wow Ron, you like the gay comments don't you man. Can't you get your mind off it ?

Don't worry though we all will still treat you the same when you come out your closet man.

TheBoss wrote:lol, i seen that before, shit is funny ( the one with the ninja)
and that ref is the best ref i have ever seen

Yeah I LMAO when I saw these clips, I couldn't resist posting them.
If Nigel doesn't want to fight for the title, I reckon reschedule the title match between the current #2 and #3 ranked fighters. I don't understand why it takes so long anyways, if the first dude doesn't show then move onto the next ranked fighter. Aslong as the fighters post the result then Mikkel will have no problems giving the belt to a different user. It doesn't have to be #1 and #2 anyone can be made (by Mikkel) the champ aslong as they are ranked high enough.

So who ever is ranked #1 and #2 now should just fight, post the results and then it's sorted (obvioulsy not Nigel as he doesn't want it so #2 and #3 etc). If anyone has a problem then they can just wait and fight the champ for the belt when he has been crowned. If you could win the belt in the first place it won't make one bit of difference.

Just my humble opinion but I reckon it makes perfect sense.

Trafalgar square time me thinks.

Good luck to your teams that are left in.
Here....." target="_new" rel="nofollow"> Here.....

Also check this dude out, we could do with this kinda ref on OB it would be awsome >> Here...." target="_new" rel="nofollow">Here....

Cool I remember those, it was way back when I just started playing OB.

If my servers up check the name out, I never changed it from when I first started and tried making a gym of my own.

Cobra Kai --- "You're the best, around..... Nothing's gonna ever keep you down....." hehe....

serious business wrote:donny read again, and think about before u start assumming, thank u very much

Yeah I'll read it a few times, obviously twenty two words is a bit much for my tiny brain to take in at once. Did you read it ?

he is tryin to play OB from europe, lmfao

Maybe the words mean different things where you live I don't know but to me that says "he is trying to play OB from europe, that's funny", so I ask "what's wrong with that?".

I don't see what's so hard about my question, or why you got all upset about it. So take a bit of your own advice and think before you post next time ok, thankyou very much.

And what does that mean that man anyways, "think about it next time" like they will be a consequence ?

Funny stuff......

@cynic --


@SB -- what's wrong with europe?

(Cracks his knuckles and gets ready to defend his euro brothers trafalgar style)

Good job soldier.

Some real speed that is, did you win the fight?

I shined your sig up a bit plus fixed one more bug
I must get a life


Wicked, I put it in

USA -- np man, I think you use the power shots well.

Boxa -- Best rookie is like best newcomer, the best of the up comming fighters. Stick at it man you're going to be good I can see it !

See you guys on OB later.
Best Offence -- Here To Fight

Best Defense -- Larry Holmes

Most Improved -- Nigel Benn

Smartest Boxer -- Larry

Best Brawler -- Here To Fight

Fastest -- Here To Fight

Best KO Finisher -- USA

Best Overall Fighter -- Larry

Best Rookie -- BoXa
Forum Index » Profile for Donny_king » Messages posted by Donny_king
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