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Messages posted by: monkeytail
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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Oscar, all of the OB communtity appreciates your contributions and the ones that dont well """"" Them. Looks like the 3D version in time will be as great as the 2D was.
Oscar you are the man. Looks great!!! And the entire OB community appreciates the time and effort you have put it. Thanks again.....
HTF wrote:I'll be back in a month or so. Only on 3D.... Now I am just curious what has happen to my favorite boxers??

Larry? Unstop? Tyrant? Monk? where are these guys today. Fill me in.

I play 2-D on occasion. Normally just fight people from the old school and 3-d, well havent had a fight as of yet...
sterlihalla wrote:
goldenboy88 wrote:since your joining the army do they pay for you to go to school after your 4 years or whatever it is?

LOl well if u did very well in school u wudnet need to be doing mma wud u?
Well i duno.. seems like alot to risk if u did well in school my chum.
Of course i wil be going for degrees etc.. i can learn to fly helicopters to punk watch me come usa lol.

Can't wait to see you come into the USA. I'll be one if not the first watching you cross into our border through my crosshairs.

Rocky Marciano wrote:Powerlifters, bodybuilders and whatever are strong and definately stronger than the average Joe. However in my experience it is all about pratical application of this power. People who go to gym and train powerlifting etc. have lto of strenght in those exact line of motions they train/lift. Outside that specific line of motion their ability to produce force drops significantly. It has something (a lot) to do with nerve system.

Wrestling strenght for example is whole another thing from gym strenght. A guy weigting significantly less can have far more pure "wrestling strenght" than a guy who is lot bigger. In wrestling people are always pushing their muscles to the extreme in odd angles via all kind of lines of motion twisting using whole posterior muscle chain.

Good example of this is Alexander Karelin (I suppose everyone has heard of him.) Alexander Karelin is by far the strongest wrestler ever in terms of strenght. Yet when he participated in world strongest man type of competition, just for the fun of it, he did poorly being unable to finish several of the things they do in those type of competitions. Yet having wrestled a bit for the show and out of fun with those same strongmen guys Karelin commented that they felt physically weak on the mat. He tossed them around like he would toss around a kid.

Now what bodybuilder, powerlifters etc. have going on for themself is pure size/mass. All that mass is hard to move around when it comes to grappling. Since F=ma it also gives them edge in punching. A big guy may punch somewhat slow put you can bet that if he hits it is going to hurt due to mass being a factor in producing force and then there is the equation of impact.

Hmm lets see...

if m= mass the puncher is able to put behind his punch (note! with better technique one can put more body mass behind a punch)

v= speed of the punch

we get momentum for the punch which is p=mv

Now person being punched is an object that has momentum (which is zero) as he is not moving. Punch also has a momentum. Now since he is being punched and change in momentum of an object is equal to the force applied to it multiplied by the time over which it was applied we get impulse which is change in momentum. The punch itself goes trough change in momentum from full momentum to zero.

Impulse = Force x Time

The punch itself goes trough change in momentum from full momentum to zero. For this reason the change in momentum is equal to the final momentum:

Force x Time = mv

ma x t = mv |:t

ma = (mv)/t

F= (mv)/t

Force = impulse/time

force (in Newtons) = (mass (in kg) x velocity (in m/s) / time (in seconds)

So according to the equation the more mass punch has "behind" it the harder the punch is and the more speed punch has the harder the punch is. So a FAST punch with WHOLE BODYWEIGHT behind it should be strongest punch according to this equation.

However I am having a sligth WTF moment here. Lets take a look at teh final equation which is F=(mv)/t . Now according to this equation the smaller the time punch contacts opponent the harder the punch is. IN other words the more of a PUSHING kind of movement punch is the less force it produces. Snappy whiplike punch is harder.

HOWEVER this is where the WTF moment comes into play because the longer time force is applied to a system the greater.. well something

If we apply a force to the system, it changes the momentum P= ft, In classical mechanics, momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object p=mv

in this case... uh I am too tired for this now and dont know what is it but something is bugging me about this related to the time punch makes contact to opponents face.

Read most of it. Got bored.
Ray Johnson wrote:
monkeytail wrote:I was just debating the definition of strong actually. Bodybuliders are weak I guess. my bad but to tell ya truth if i was stuck underneath a truck that fell off a jack, id much rather have a bodybuilder or weightlifter trying to lift it off me if I had my choice..

Prof isn't saying builders aren't strong, he is saying that they lack power. However, a trained & experienced boxer has power and would therfore win a fight between the two.

I agree 100%.
sterlihalla wrote:
goldenboy88 wrote:I still outweigh you my friend, in fact im walking around at around 69 kgs at the moment or 11 stones. And yes I am lanky and tall, 5'11. the reason you look like a tank compared to me ready for it............ your all fat too many burgers for you. as for my chin. I went the distance and got a draw in a war of a fight with that guy who hits alot harder then you do in gloves a fifth the size of what you wear and outweighed me by over 35 pounds. as for any other stupid comment you are thinking or that you want to say.. just remember this. Im doing what you wish you had the skill and heart to do. what is your record now? 0-0? thought so so shut your fucking mouth. OB booms now without you. we had 19 people on at one point yesterday so keep lurking on zelenoffs youtube videos trying to tell yourself at least your better then someone. at his least videos make people laugh. yours look like a middleaged bald guy with downsyndrome who is having a midlife crisis and decides to take up boxing.

hey i wasnt flaming u im at a healthy wieght for my hieght im 5ft 7 and 20 something body mass im skinny im jus saying i look a bit bigger then u thats all.
I seen ur type of build loads i know for a fact u cant handle many body shots because of ur skinny frame tell me what it feels like when a small banger hits u there mate
I always spar guys that outwiegh me by 30lbs+ because theres not many guys my wieght so i know i can take a shot.
Im going in the army and gna be boxing in there so il be amatuer by next year but im doing this army thing now so im gna have to wait a lil longer to become a amatuer because my medical at my club gna take to long.

War Josh.. Congrats Reaper. You have one of the longest amateur careers I've seen without ever having a fight. It's kinda sad.

Oh yea Reaper, I'm not sure if the army you are joining is like the one in the USA, but make sure you think it through cause here in the USA once you enlist you cant quit till you fullfill the contract.
(Of course You may be able to fake an injury and leave with honor)

Professor wrote:
goldenboy88 wrote:small fast and in shape with some skill will beat big and strong 9 times out of 10. I wouldnt consider myself even slightly strong but I use technique to generate all my power. strength has nothing to do with it

This, and no bodybuilding streetfighter can beat a heavyweight monk. Kimbo will soon find himself getting owned in MMA. And MMA is more suited for streetfighters than boxing is. Which in that case he would be outclassed. And Ronnie Coleman can't fight. I can almost guarantee it.

I was just debating the definition of strong actually. Bodybuliders are weak I guess. my bad but to tell ya truth if i was stuck underneath a truck that fell off a jack, id much rather have a bodybuilder or weightlifter trying to lift it off me if I had my choice..
Rocky Marciano wrote:Nice pictures and a good match I assume.

Must be hard as hell to pass the half-guard with those shinpads on (? or if those are slippery it is the opposite). Certain other positions too. As fas as submission go Go-go plata is no go with those shin guards and most likely reverse triangle choke too. I suppose those shin guards really get in a way in all kind of positions.

In what weight class do you compete in and how much was the weight difference?

Great Job, GoldenBoy. I'd like to see pictures of Rocky's matches. I assume he has had a few good matches?

War Josh!!!!!
Professor wrote:The thing is people get this false impression that body builders are actually strong. Sure they can lift heavy weight but it's not like he could whip someones ass in a fight. Every watch the World Strongest Man competition and these guys DO NOT look like bodybuilders, some of them even look fat. But they are still the strongest guys in the world. Any Heavyweight boxer can KO the fuck out of any bodybuilder and any strongmen thats not trained. (Mariusz Pudgionowski is different considering hes a black belt in karate)

Are you saying that bodybuilders/weightlifters aren't strong? or are you saying they arent boxers? Cause when it comes to being professionals its completely 2 different things. Just like MMA and Boxing. Weightlifters/bodybuilders are in most cases strong but boxers they are not, nor do they claim to be. Now if you have a guy that lifts weights and loves to street fight many heavyweights may have chewed off more than they bargained for.
catfish2 wrote:
The Great Yacoob wrote:i said i was sorry man dammit i can admit that i'm a sore loser jesus
i love you catfish
your my best friend i can't pretend to be the asshole yacoob.....
your friendship means more to me than upholding my Yacoob gimmick for cheap pops

Give me a hug

*looks around to see if anyone's watching...*


That's touching. Hard as hell to understand though, but this is OB.
Godfather wrote:Stop using my handle dickhead. There is only one Godfather. ME.

The one and only Godfather has spoken.. Well said GF.
I have never seen Viper duck a rematch. Ever.
Stealth wrote:lol im not reaper im 17 time champ and i wish i was that good already lol

Well at least you both have the padding in common...
Fatny wrote:the official HBO documentary:

Fat you are not only the greatest OB fighter of the modern era, but you definately have a career after boxing. You almost made monkeytail sh""t himself from laughing so hard
Forum Index » Profile for monkeytail » Messages posted by monkeytail
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