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Messages posted by: TKO
Forum Index » Profile for TKO » Messages posted by TKO
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just curious...if u can can u get me my password back my ob name is TKOknockout
dang i got tyrant...o man imma have to try my best...tyrant when u wanna fight??
different name but it i get my other account back i'll tell u
i'll join it
i beeen good and did 3d get any better
oh it is gonna be good
anyone getting it?
fanty already had all the titles before
u lost ya title to another alt. DAMN lol
Ray Johnson wrote:
TKO wrote:ok its working now FINALLY!!!

what did u do to make it work??

I had to install PhysX..i just downloaded it before i didnt install it.
ok its working now FINALLY!!!
anyone having the same problem
anytime someone send me a challenge i accept and then nothin happens
wat do u think im trying to do
Forum Index » Profile for TKO » Messages posted by TKO
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