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Messages posted by: TKO
Forum Index » Profile for TKO » Messages posted by TKO
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october isn't even over yet.....
lol idk thats tha first thing that came to ma head
how bout....TheGking
nvm im back wit dream and edder
im still in
i might join i aint sure yet
somebody told it all gyms are dead
does anyone wanna bring back gyms???

I like the days when we had gyms =)
thanks =p
i edit using windows movie maker
What's up reaper
What's up everyone...I'm just stopping by to say I'm going to be coming online more often now =).
WOOT!!!1 i will be on TKOknockout now
imma be on tomrrow problary at like 11 or 12 eastern time
Forum Index » Profile for TKO » Messages posted by TKO
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