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Messages posted by: hurricaneharley
Forum Index » Profile for hurricaneharley » Messages posted by hurricaneharley
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because hes gay Reaper

in his own words.. hes a Nob
all of a sudden reaper wouldnt be on 24/7.. if he won them.. hed never show
reaper i cant even walk to the store to get a pack of smokes without seeing 10 guys you fucked
ill post this wherever i can


on a lighter note.. im retiring
check our h2h.. ive beaten you twice in a row. is that what your boyfriend calls you? a big man. so you incorperate that into this game. your a computer nerd who 1. thinks hes tough .2 thinks this game is real and 3 your so full of shit no wonder your eyes are brown. Fuck you i hope you get hit by a bus. so i can fly over from canada and piss on you laying in the gutter.. the reason i think you play this game so much is because you get fucked in the ass so much you try and stand up but your ass is to loose to go anywhere. you say your 19 years old well get a fucking job you worthless sponge. educate yourself to have a bigger vocabulary then nob newb and pad. everyone here hates you i hope you understand. check the most hated fighter.. your the only name that comes up. were you ready to off yourself yesterday when mikell took your precious padded account away. too bad he couldnt have kept it a lil longer
take care of yourself shithead. and that thing at the front of your house that people walk in and out of.. its called a door.. go out it sometime? more out there then computer games and ass rapes..

on a lighter note.. im retiring
sorry oscar..
hey guys.. I am calling it quits after a short while of playing. probably going to get banned after what i said to reaper anyways. thanks everyone who was cool to me. HTF,Yacoob,Emmj204,M. ARAGOn,Tiger Woods,Reverend.. everyone say fuck you to reaper for me once in a while. take it easy guys
check our h2h.. ive beaten you twice in a row. is that what your boyfriend calls you? a big man. so you incorperate that into this game. your a computer nerd who 1. thinks hes tough .2 thinks this game is real and 3 your so full of shit no wonder your eyes are brown. Fuck you i hope you get hit by a bus. so i can fly over from canada and piss on you laying in the gutter.. the reason i think you play this game so much is because you get fucked in the ass so much you try and stand up but your ass is to loose to go anywhere. you say your 19 years old well get a fucking job you worthless sponge. educate yourself to have a bigger vocabulary then nob newb and pad. everyone here hates you i hope you understand. check the most hated fighter.. your the only name that comes up. were you ready to off yourself yesterday when mikell took your precious padded account away. too bad he couldnt have kept it a lil longer
take care of yourself shithead. and that thing at the front of your house that people walk in and out of.. its called a door.. go out it sometime? more out there then computer games and ass rapes..

on a lighter note.. im retiring
do you believe your own shit reaper..
reaper by a long shot
your word is shit
so ortiz. dath maul. and Reaper. aka Sterling. aka Diego corales.
I know he wouldnt pad like you do...... so thats ruled out
who cares mr padder.
Forum Index » Profile for hurricaneharley » Messages posted by hurricaneharley
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