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Messages posted by: hurricaneharley
Forum Index » Profile for hurricaneharley » Messages posted by hurricaneharley
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if you were going to prove a point why wouldnt you state so beforehand.. also you say i padded. yet.. i have never fought myself. second before everyone read the post you denied it to htf and myself. saying it was some guy who beat you because your controls were messed up. yet now everyone saw right through your first lame ass attempt of reademing yourself so you try to justify it.. which sorry to say you cant. i dont honestly believe you can sway everyone to believe you this time. your caught may as well admit it and man up. if you know what being a man is??
if you were going to prove a point why wouldnt you state so beforehand.. also you say i padded. yet.. i have never fought myself. second before everyone read the post you denied it to htf and myself. saying it was some guy who beat you because your controls were messed up. yet now everyone saw right through your first lame ass attempt of reademing yourself so you try to justify it.. which sorry to say you cant. i dont honestly believe you can sway everyone to believe you this time. your caught may as well admit it and man up. if you know what being a man is??
only point it hes proving is he knows how to cheat.. either way hes guilty he denied it at first and now everyone knows so hes saying hes trying to prove somthing thats lieing right there. yes he should be punished
ok i fought reaper at about 7pm mountain time. beat him twice in a row and was about 300-400 points ahead of him.. logged off for 3 hours came back on and saw that i had been overtaken for #1 rank in obw. didnt think much of it until i looked at who he had fought. someone nobody has heard of with the same user name as him but a 2 added on the end.. now he loses to this person 13 times in a row all by first round knock out. meanwhile reaper is already ranked #2 so he isnt moving far.. so what he did was move his other character up into the top ten by giving him points.. then after his 13 losses in a row by ko 1. he wins 5 in a row himself by ko1 giving him the points he needs to move to rank #1.

Case Closed.
if you look on his fight list. he fought some guy with the same user name almost as his at least 25 times and lost.. by ko 1. then all of sudden he wins like 6 in a row. and hes ranked #1.. lol get a fucking life
no reason to be a prick ray
hell yea emmj you and me are going to be the fight to watch for sure...
yes you are getting very good
emmj lol
here he is everyone the famous fatny in training

tough to say. most underated is probly mike tyson or nigel benn
suck my d**k
yea your as good as anyone on there
you are. ive seen you both fight and id say your skill/speed is better
viper told me i was a "b" class fighter
Forum Index » Profile for hurricaneharley » Messages posted by hurricaneharley
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