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Messages posted by: TKO
Forum Index » Profile for TKO » Messages posted by TKO
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damn nice story lol
damn thats problary it
who is it?

how many knockdowns was it?

TKO HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who do i face
y do ya hate him hes cool....everyday ya have something bad to say about him y is that everyday i hear reaper is this reaper is that

TKO HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y aint i on im playing
someone out there that can train me
someone that doesnt get mad if i get something wrong,someone that is active,and someone who can train me for one than one day

TKO HAS SPOKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skillz wrote:we'll make it 8 so TKO can participate.

thanks man
i didnt know
their r no advantages in this game and it is all about speed and awareness.

Reply if u argee with me

TKO has spoken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oscar can u make me a p4p picture or a picture with my person in it???

HTF wrote:I like it the way it is. The way it is makes it where every one is the size,speed,power etc.

i agree with HTF cause everyone is tha same in this game
Forum Index » Profile for TKO » Messages posted by TKO
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