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Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

yeh but triangle man who ever your alt ass is.
Game spot and ign rate this game 5 they are very good at reviews im very sure if you go on any site reviewing don kings prize fighter it wont get any higher then a 6 because it plain sucks.
Its not a boxing sim neither a arcade boxing game so it sucks plain and simple.
Doesnt matter how much you master it the game jus sucks simple.

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.
Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

First of all sterlihalla, "or whoever your elitist and/or attempt-at-forum-alpha-male-status ass is", I found 3D through my brother, who found it from searching online, I'm not an alt.

Second of all, Gamespot isn't always very accurate with reviews from what I've seen in general (I stopped even looking at them almost 2 years ago), and while IGN is usually pretty good with theirs, they've bombed a few in the past. Some of the best games I've played in my life have had horrible reviews, you can't always trust these sites.

You need to get it out of your head that guys that work at these places are super genius game connesuers (spelling). They're lucky guys who found a niche in life that allows them to squeeze out a living talking about video games which they get to demo for a whole 30 minutes, a week before a game's release. Most of these guys don't even know what a good game IS.

Half the time they rate games by how many modes the game has, hahahahah. If it's a PHENOMINAL game, but doesn't have eonugh "modes"' it gets a 6 instead of a 9.7, stuff like that.

Or they'll be like, "The game overall was unbelievably fun to play, however in the mission 'Randall Heads To Wisconsin', I noticed the 346th blade of grass on the right side behind the third building turns orange for 2 seconds as you're rounding the corner, which unfortunately forces me to bring down what would've been a 9.8 scoring game to a 4.6. In today's day and age, you just can't let those kinds of errors through.", LOL.

Site reviews are a joke. You need to hear it from a good group of gamers, not carebears who demo a game for 30 minutes, get frustrated if they get owned or didn't fully understand the controls yet, and then have a hissy fit and write a bad review because of it.

There's a great forum full of mature gamers that my brother always looks to check on how games REALLY are, but I forget the name right now, I'll ask him later and come back and post it. Most of the people there actually give real reviews on games, not reviews written by A.D.D. cases who think a game sucks if they can't absolutely dominate it within the first 3 minutes of picking up the controller when they don't know the full controls yet.

This is why it was rated a 5 on one of those sites - because the guys demo'd an exhibition match (which in those they fight like htey do at the very end stages of career mode - very hard and alot of pressure), when they didn't fully understand the controls yet or how to defend very well, they got the shit knocked out of them, and then gave it a bad review.

When you don't know what the hell is going on, and you get knocked to the canvas before you can even get a feel for what's going on, yeah, you're going to think the game is a cheap piece of shit. Keep in mind too that the tutorial is in career mode, and you need to spend some time with it before you even attempt to have an opinion on the game.

This is all evidenced even by the game's official forum. The first *8* pages are filled with, "OMFG THIS GAME ---SUCKS--- don't waste your money!! The movement is so sluggish and it's just a haymaker fest where you get knocked out in two rounds!! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!"... And then around aboutt he 10th to 12th page you see guys coming back going, "Ok, after learning the controls a bit better, I lasted to the 8th round and barely lost after letting my guard down for a little too long and got caught with an overhand, and I won my following 2 fights! Oh yeah, and the movement isn't as sluggish as I thought, turns out you have to double-tap the direction you want to move if you want to move quicker or create some distance and move around a bit. Turns out I'm liking this game alot after-all!"

I read every single page (all 32 at the time) of the "Impressions" thread on the official forum before making the decision to buy, because of a few things I was scared about. I thought they'd overdo haymakers, make them take no stamina, that there'd be huge massive stumbles everytime you take a hit, that the movement would be trash, etc.. And after reading the first 8 pages I was starting to get sick, until about the 9th page when I realized that yeah, the first 8 pages are filled with people who wrote a review after literally fighting 1 round in exhibition, who never went through the tutorial or even looked at the controls in the book really. They got the shit beat out of them, then came back and complained about how "bad" the game was, when they literally didn't even know how to use their footwork yet, LOL!

As far as the game itself, it's more sim than any other mainstream boxing game out there. Your distance has a big effect, if you're throwing haymakers left and right you lose energy very quickly, and lower stamina means much slower punches as well as much weaker punches, the ring movement is LEAGUES better than FightNight ever was, etc. Infact I wrote a huge explanation of stuff to my brother on his computer and saved it to his desktop cause I was going to write a review on the site with alot of what I had there. If he didn't delete it, I'll copy and paste it here.

I love the classic 30's venue as well as the 70's and 90's one, was a great touch!

Again, I think the single-player gameplay is great, but they messed up online with the hyper-recovering health - there's no chance to turn the fight around with a big punch, and definately no chance for a flash K.O. as it is now. Again people are petitioning to have it changed so I'm sure they will, it ruins online. There's no reason to make a game more than 3 or 4 rounds at this point, as nothing will change in later rounds due to the massively beefed up (online only) health recovery.

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 14/06/2008 19:56:04

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 20/04/2006 01:14:40
Messages: 245

Triangle Man wrote:First of all sterlihalla, "or whoever your elitist and/or attempt-at-forum-alpha-male-status ass is", I found 3D through my brother, who found it from searching online, I'm not an alt.

Second of all, Gamespot isn't always very accurate with reviews from what I've seen in general (I stopped even looking at them almost 2 years ago), and while IGN is usually pretty good with theirs, they've bombed a few in the past. Some of the best games I've played in my life have had horrible reviews, you can't always trust these sites.

You need to get it out of your head that guys that work at these places are super genius game connesuers (spelling). They're lucky guys who found a niche in life that allows them to squeeze out a living talking about video games which they get to demo for a whole 30 minutes, a week before a game's release. Most of these guys don't even know what a good game IS.

Half the time they rate games by how many modes the game has, hahahahah. If it's a PHENOMINAL game, but doesn't have eonugh "modes"' it gets a 6 instead of a 9.7, stuff like that.

Or they'll be like, "The game overall was unbelievably fun to play, however in the mission 'Randall Heads To Wisconsin', I noticed the 346th blade of grass on the right side behind the third building turns orange for 2 seconds as you're rounding the corner, which unfortunately forces me to bring down what would've been a 9.8 scoring game to a 4.6. In today's day and age, you just can't let those kinds of errors through.", LOL.

Site reviews are a joke. You need to hear it from a good group of gamers, not carebears who demo a game for 30 minutes, get frustrated if they get owned or didn't fully understand the controls yet, and then have a hissy fit and write a bad review because of it.

There's a great forum full of mature gamers that my brother always looks to check on how games REALLY are, but I forget the name right now, I'll ask him later and come back and post it. Most of the people there actually give real reviews on games, not reviews written by A.D.D. cases who think a game sucks if they can't absolutely dominate it within the first 3 minutes of picking up the controller when they don't know the full controls yet.

This is why it was rated a 5 on one of those sites - because the guys demo'd an exhibition match (which in those they fight like htey do at the very end stages of career mode - very hard and alot of pressure), when they didn't fully understand the controls yet or how to defend very well, they got the shit knocked out of them, and then gave it a bad review.

When you don't know what the hell is going on, and you get knocked to the canvas before you can even get a feel for what's going on, yeah, you're going to think the game is a cheap piece of shit. Keep in mind too that the tutorial is in career mode, and you need to spend some time with it before you even attempt to have an opinion on the game.

This is all evidenced even by the game's official forum. The first *8* pages are filled with, "OMFG THIS GAME ---SUCKS--- don't waste your money!! The movement is so sluggish and it's just a haymaker fest where you get knocked out in two rounds!! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!"... And then around aboutt he 10th to 12th page you see guys coming back going, "Ok, after learning the controls a bit better, I lasted to the 8th round and barely lost after letting my guard down for a little too long and got caught with an overhand, and I won my following 2 fights! Oh yeah, and the movement isn't as sluggish as I thought, turns out you have to double-tap the direction you want to move if you want to move quicker or create some distance and move around a bit. Turns out I'm liking this game alot after-all!"

I read every single page (all 32 at the time) of the "Impressions" thread on the official forum before making the decision to buy, because of a few things I was scared about. I thought they'd overdo haymakers, make them take no stamina, that there'd be huge massive stumbles everytime you take a hit, that the movement would be trash, etc.. And after reading the first 8 pages I was starting to get sick, until about the 9th page when I realized that yeah, the first 8 pages are filled with people who wrote a review after literally fighting 1 round in exhibition, who never went through the tutorial or even looked at the controls in the book really. They got the shit beat out of them, then came back and complained about how "bad" the game was, when they literally didn't even know how to use their footwork yet, LOL!

As far as the game itself, it's more sim than any other mainstream boxing game out there. Your distance has a big effect, if you're throwing haymakers left and right you lose energy very quickly, and lower stamina means much slower punches as well as much weaker punches, the ring movement is LEAGUES better than FightNight ever was, etc. Infact I wrote a huge explanation of stuff to my brother on his computer and saved it to his desktop cause I was going to write a review on the site with alot of what I had there. If he didn't delete it, I'll copy and paste it here.

I love the classic 30's venue as well as the 70's and 90's one, was a great touch!

Again, I think the single-player gameplay is great, but they messed up online with the hyper-recovering health - there's no chance to turn the fight around with a big punch, and definately no chance for a flash K.O. as it is now. Again people are petitioning to have it changed so I'm sure they will, it ruins online. There's no reason to make a game more than 3 or 4 rounds at this point, as nothing will change in later rounds due to the massively beefed up (online only) health recovery.




Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

monkeytail wrote:ok

ok. Glad the message was recieved.

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."


Joined: 18/04/2006 14:22:37
Messages: 907
Location: Manchester , England

I have a game now ? Ok where's my money !

/** Call this method when you want to play OB.*/
public void playOb() {
while(moreBeers()) {
if(sleepy) {
}else {
ONLINE BOXING NAME = don_king_promotions

menicaha behaniclo

/** Call this method when you are dealing with users.*/
stock HandleUsers()
for ( new i = 0, j = GetUsers(); i < j; i ++
if ( !IsUserConnected( i continue;
switch ( GetUserState( i
case USER_STATE_SPAMMER : RemoveUserPost( i;
case USER_STATE_IDIOT : WarnUser( i;
case USER_STATE_TOUGHGUY : LaughAtUser( i;
default : IgnoreUser( i;
return 1;


Joined: 05/01/2007 15:36:43
Messages: 1488

The thing is Triangle Man, all of what you mentioned looks good and would be fun but the actual boxing involved in the game looks hideous. Compared to games like Fight Night or even OB, the boxing is sooo robotic, and don't get me wrong I've not just took the first example I've seen, I've cruised around youtube looking at numerous videos but in every single one I find myself pulling this face D: when watching them robots box. I'm still tempted to rent it but you can't hide the fact that they've clearly missed the whole point of a boxing game.

Oscar De La Hoya 1025 - 842


Joined: 20/05/2007 12:51:06
Messages: 2299

Triangle Man wrote:First of all sterlihalla, "or whoever your elitist and/or attempt-at-forum-alpha-male-status ass is", I found 3D through my brother, who found it from searching online, I'm not an alt.

Second of all, Gamespot isn't always very accurate with reviews from what I've seen in general (I stopped even looking at them almost 2 years ago), and while IGN is usually pretty good with theirs, they've bombed a few in the past. Some of the best games I've played in my life have had horrible reviews, you can't always trust these sites.

You need to get it out of your head that guys that work at these places are super genius game connesuers (spelling). They're lucky guys who found a niche in life that allows them to squeeze out a living talking about video games which they get to demo for a whole 30 minutes, a week before a game's release. Most of these guys don't even know what a good game IS.

Half the time they rate games by how many modes the game has, hahahahah. If it's a PHENOMINAL game, but doesn't have eonugh "modes"' it gets a 6 instead of a 9.7, stuff like that.

Or they'll be like, "The game overall was unbelievably fun to play, however in the mission 'Randall Heads To Wisconsin', I noticed the 346th blade of grass on the right side behind the third building turns orange for 2 seconds as you're rounding the corner, which unfortunately forces me to bring down what would've been a 9.8 scoring game to a 4.6. In today's day and age, you just can't let those kinds of errors through.", LOL.

Site reviews are a joke. You need to hear it from a good group of gamers, not carebears who demo a game for 30 minutes, get frustrated if they get owned or didn't fully understand the controls yet, and then have a hissy fit and write a bad review because of it.

There's a great forum full of mature gamers that my brother always looks to check on how games REALLY are, but I forget the name right now, I'll ask him later and come back and post it. Most of the people there actually give real reviews on games, not reviews written by A.D.D. cases who think a game sucks if they can't absolutely dominate it within the first 3 minutes of picking up the controller when they don't know the full controls yet.

This is why it was rated a 5 on one of those sites - because the guys demo'd an exhibition match (which in those they fight like htey do at the very end stages of career mode - very hard and alot of pressure), when they didn't fully understand the controls yet or how to defend very well, they got the shit knocked out of them, and then gave it a bad review.

When you don't know what the hell is going on, and you get knocked to the canvas before you can even get a feel for what's going on, yeah, you're going to think the game is a cheap piece of shit. Keep in mind too that the tutorial is in career mode, and you need to spend some time with it before you even attempt to have an opinion on the game.

This is all evidenced even by the game's official forum. The first *8* pages are filled with, "OMFG THIS GAME ---SUCKS--- don't waste your money!! The movement is so sluggish and it's just a haymaker fest where you get knocked out in two rounds!! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!!"... And then around aboutt he 10th to 12th page you see guys coming back going, "Ok, after learning the controls a bit better, I lasted to the 8th round and barely lost after letting my guard down for a little too long and got caught with an overhand, and I won my following 2 fights! Oh yeah, and the movement isn't as sluggish as I thought, turns out you have to double-tap the direction you want to move if you want to move quicker or create some distance and move around a bit. Turns out I'm liking this game alot after-all!"

I read every single page (all 32 at the time) of the "Impressions" thread on the official forum before making the decision to buy, because of a few things I was scared about. I thought they'd overdo haymakers, make them take no stamina, that there'd be huge massive stumbles everytime you take a hit, that the movement would be trash, etc.. And after reading the first 8 pages I was starting to get sick, until about the 9th page when I realized that yeah, the first 8 pages are filled with people who wrote a review after literally fighting 1 round in exhibition, who never went through the tutorial or even looked at the controls in the book really. They got the shit beat out of them, then came back and complained about how "bad" the game was, when they literally didn't even know how to use their footwork yet, LOL!

As far as the game itself, it's more sim than any other mainstream boxing game out there. Your distance has a big effect, if you're throwing haymakers left and right you lose energy very quickly, and lower stamina means much slower punches as well as much weaker punches, the ring movement is LEAGUES better than FightNight ever was, etc. Infact I wrote a huge explanation of stuff to my brother on his computer and saved it to his desktop cause I was going to write a review on the site with alot of what I had there. If he didn't delete it, I'll copy and paste it here.

I love the classic 30's venue as well as the 70's and 90's one, was a great touch!

Again, I think the single-player gameplay is great, but they messed up online with the hyper-recovering health - there's no chance to turn the fight around with a big punch, and definately no chance for a flash K.O. as it is now. Again people are petitioning to have it changed so I'm sure they will, it ruins online. There's no reason to make a game more than 3 or 4 rounds at this point, as nothing will change in later rounds due to the massively beefed up (online only) health recovery.

Lol you dont sound very positive about prizefighter yourself even though you suppose to be defending it.
So what do you give it out of 10? Because if you have noticed gamers have gave there own rating and don king prize fighter has never gotten anything over 6 enless its by someone completely blind.
Our very own Tyrant ob player gave the game 6.5 i think and thats being very generous.
Ganranteed if i read a games mag with this game in it the score will be below 7 but hey you didnt prove much in that post anyway so good for you.
Doesnt matter what you say man the fact is it sucked because of a bad roster and gameplay them two things will kill any boxing game.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 15/06/2008 12:56:31

Retirement but may have a few fights
Joined: May 20th 2007
Second greatest ko artist in OB history based on 4k wins.

Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

IGN's rating

IGN: 5.0

Reader average: 5.7

Press Average: 5.5

--- man this game must be bad

Triangle Man


Joined: 07/06/2008 00:31:42
Messages: 98

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:IGN's rating

IGN: 5.0

Reader average: 5.7

Press Average: 5.5

--- man this game must be bad

Yeah, I explained why that is in my post.

I'll respond to the other ones in a little bit, gonna either play 3D or go to to store, not sure yet.

Oh and don't get me wrong, yeah, the online is fucking trash imo, LoL. I'm more defending the single-player

"The difference between bravery and stupidity is success."

Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

Well i didnt see that you put it in your post sorry. I didnt even read it.Looks like you took all day to right that to.


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:Well i didnt see that you put it in your post sorry. I didnt even read it.Looks like you took all day to right that to.

Well Jig if that is all u have to say on the subject why do you fell anyone need to hear it ?


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

damn why you snap at me for lmao seriously


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

If u had written some long post, would you like that someone just said "lmao didnt read it too long get a life"..?


Joined: 01/03/2007 14:35:55
Messages: 844
Location: United States, DC

I would never write a post like that btw. And no i woudnt like it but its the truth. but shit dont snap at me just tell me that what i said was wrong and thats it i would have understood.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 15/06/2008 21:21:02


Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

Just dont be so post-reply happy to every post u see.

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