@admin Yeah its been over a month. Does he have to defend all titles? OBA,OBC and OBF?

Best posts made by Faker
RE: Online Boxing Timeline
RE: Mikkel change the 'Start Game' to a Jar instead of zipped file
@admin Everyone I speak to has problems getting on because of that. Would be easier to make it a Jar file. Makes it very easily accessible. No one is able to get on, I've had to help a few people
Announcing my retirement from OB
Well... I didn't want it to end here but I am hereby announcing my retirement from OB.
I'd like to give a shout out to a few players that have helped me grow into the player I am today and i'd just like to leave a few kind words t-HELLLLLLL NAW @Reaper YOU A BITCH AND YOU HUGGING ONTO MY TITLE. RETIRE? YOU A FUCKIN COMEDIAN. I'M FUCKING HERE TO STAY AND I PLAN TO DESTROY ALL OF YOU.
My new rule, I call it the John rule
@King-John I will not take any losses from ANYONE and that means ANYONE and EVERYONE. With the exception of John. Might be a bit unambitious but I just call it being a realist. Lets face it... I'm never gonna beat John -
but I sure as hell can beat the rest of you guys. -
A little personal message out to everyone
Got a personal message for every body
@Reaper I fought yo ass 2 days ago and I got the W over 15 rounds. Something not many people can do against you. Give me my credit. And I love how you think you can just come online and fight me and try to box me and think you're gonna win the title. Go back to slugging.
@Bill51390 (guessing this is toosmooth?) I give you respect for making me as good as I am today. Your connection ain't the best but it's manageable and plus if I ever run into someone else that laggs, it won't be nothing new to me.
@Floyd-Mayweather You a good little champion, you just need some work on your defense, you're way too aggressive and it ends up taking a big toll on your stamina making it very easy for me to take advantage of you. Good fights.
@thesniper You ever want to fight, you know where to find me. I want some more of that work, you give me tough fights.
@HTF POPS! You'll be impressed with how much I've improved. -
RE: Made faker champ
@King-John I'd have to agree with you there. There's more dynamic in having 3 champions. That way the real champion will naturally beat the other ones.
RE: John lets fight
@King-John John intentionally put himself as 'King John' so people have to type it when they tag him 😂
RE: Smooth has died from Corona
@thesniper Fatny and John - arguably the 2 best players to ever play this game are bot boxers. They jab jab jab defend. And hit you when you're open.
Not gonna be on for about 1 week. @Mikkel @admin
While it would be okay to take that time off unannounced, I wouldn’t want to do that to the players who are eager to fight for titles. I suggest giving the titles to the 2 current strongest players who play the game which I think are Crank and John. Other than that I’d like to wish everyone well and stay safe. I’ll be back on Sept. 19th. Peace -
RE: A note of caution to other players
@The-Sniper Totally agree, he's sort of a new cancer to the game. Mikkel needs to step in fr
RE: Server location suggestion (Qassimiut, Greenland)
@admin You buy a prepaid credit card(or one of us), people donate to that prepaid credit card and you use that pre-paid credit card for the server payments
January Top 10 (2021)
This list is strictly based on the month "January" and is mostly decided based on H2H, dominance, overall combined performance against everyone and also your defences & title wins against top opposition. This list is unbiased and treats everyone who fought in "January" equally. (Players who have limited fights in "January" make the list based on volume of fights, title wins & title defenses) i.e. if you fought a handful of times in January but were able to beat top opposition and/or win/defend a title. You will definitely make the list.
The Crank 2 (+25)
Faker (+18)
Reaper (+15)
Ocelotl (Mad Skillz) (+12)
NVTT (+10)
Ken Norton (+8)
The Sniper(+6)
John (+4)
Anthony Davis (Black Bear) (+2)
Shrtngr8 (+1)
Honorable Mentions that I believe will make lists in later months:
OscillationGod02 (AKA the real tomato rojo) -
RE: The Official Online Boxing Statistics (Updated on 12/24/21)
@King-John Wow just got on to see this - this is great, I think I may have missed out on a few statistics but it looks like you've nailed them. Great work.
RE: Faker and Cranks bios are written
@King-John Thanks John, nice read-up. I remember those days hahaha
NVTT is inactive (Strip NVTT)
Each one of us should hold a belt in the mean time.
OBF - The Crank 2
OBC - The Sniper
OBA - FakerThis way all of the belts are active.