
  • @Faker Toosmooth is toxic and lags quite bad so i think toosmooth is happy just to get fights. Your happy just to pad off him. Most of your streak is toosmooth. What does that say about you?

  • @Faker To be fair i looked at the cards and it was close Faker. You koed him with a left hook and a short hook on the way down. So in that scenario you should of rematched him but instead you didnt defend for weeks.
    This whole scenario is stupid lool. Dude no champ ever in history has had to be called out by Mikkel. What do you think about that?
    Hilarious lol.

  • Faker will never look in the mirror. This isn't merely about winning or losing. He acknowledges no fault at all, takes no accountability for any of his actions. Anytime anyone has ever called him out, he just insults you and points the finger elsewhere. It's all he's ever done is deflect the attention. Go back and look at every interaction he has ever had, they're all the same. He will be remembered as the worst champ in history, who drove away the players who were left, spending his time and energy avoiding a challenge. To put it simply, he took all the fun out of this game.

    We are done with your bullshit and childish games. No one cares what you think. You are outnumbered. Myself, Reaper and Mikkel have all now called you out. You have no friends. You cite toosmooth, yet he would talk just as much shit about you when you leave the room. No one agrees with anything that comes out of your mouth, and you have been blind to all of it. You are delusional, and it's clear as day.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper You're living in an imaginary land. Outnumbered by the 2 oldest veterans of the game who get the lowest level of respect from anyone? You cry your eyes out when you can't beat someone like the world revolves around you and yet you have the audacity to call anyone a narcissist? Why are you here posting when you don't even actively play the game. Completely pathetic.

  • Global Moderator

    @Reaper It wasn't close, go watch the replay and look at his stamina. He wastes up all his stamina and gets knocked out. That's not close. And get your facts straight. Mikkel isn't taking sides with anyone, he's simply just here for the game's best interest. He even made a post about HTF when he wasn't fighting. You guys are in LaLa land lol

  • Same old bs @Faker . In the month of may I have more fights than you and I stopped playing 10 days ago. Go ahead and continue avoiding the facts and pointing the finger at everyone else as you always do. Meanwhile you just fought another old vet kayonda who is rusty, nearly beat you and there was only 1 fight. You aren't here to dominate you wanna do the minimum and talk crap and run off for days/weeks at a time. Champs don't act like that. Your opposition has disappeared. It killed what little was left of the game. You are full of yourself, and not one person respects you. The outside antics, avoidance and excuses are just silly and childish and ran everyone off. You can be the one to live with that, not me.

    The truly sad thing is if you would have been a halfway decent person we could have all had a lot of fun with many great fights for a long time - and most you likely would have won. If you'd simply cut the bullshit and fight on a regular basis I would have interest in returning. I bet Reaper would too. It could still be fun again. But I have doubts that your behavior will ever change, and in that case I have no desire.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper He didn't almost beat me lol and he'll be back tomorrow for more fights. I'd like to see you come online and give him a fight? I guarantee he beats you. Kayonda can beat both you and Reaper 9/10 times. Don't talk down on someone you haven't fought in 9 years and think you're better than them. You're the lowest of the low. You're a crybaby and you're not even good. So please just shut the fuck up and eat some humble pie.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper At least Reaper is openly a troll - he's been at it ever since he first logged into the game. You're just a melt.

  • @Faker lol Faker your now the biggest troll at the moment. Two defences in 3 weeks? why is that?

  • Global Moderator

    @Reaper You must be drunk lol but then again you are a troll.

  • Faker I knew you'd respond that way. You always have diverted the attention away from your own behavior and avoided the tough questions. Just goes to show you will always be the same, and you're really not worth the time. You said yourself I was your best opposition just a few weeks ago, so youre talking out of your ass (what a surprise). You've essentially admitted it at this point. You spend more time creating excuses than anyone in the history of the game. You've run out of ammunition.

    For the record I was not talking down on kayonda. I said he was rusty. I respect him and yeah he very well may beat me. But you know what? He would never run off and act like an immature teenager. He is respectable.

    This is going nowhere. Go ahead and take the last word and send your last insult. You would spend years going back and forth on the forum before defending like a true champion. Just remember, no one has come to your aid here. You're on your own.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper said in Titles:

    last word and send your last insult. You would spend years going back and forth on the forum and I jus

    YOUR'E DOWN 160 WINS WHAT KIND OF COMPETITION ARE YOU LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I've never said you were my best opposition. Never EVER. You are literally just a tad bit better than toosmooth and on his day he'll beat you 3/5 times. Where do you get this shit from. You are trash bro

  • @Faker you've missed the point completely. I'm not surprised. You don't even remember your own words. You said it multiple times. Later bro. Toosmooth does not beat me 3 out of 5. Try 1 out of the last 12. You're making shit up. You're out of your damn mind.

    Go ahead and keep insulting me. I really don't care. I know the truth.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper Even John recalls you being a crybaby. NOW that is disgusting. You've been crying ever since you started playing this game you god damn cry baby.

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper You're literally saying all of this stuff yourself. Mikkel is looking out for his game. And Reaper is a troll. Who is with you?
    Who supports you? Because I talk to john/crank/htf outside of OB and they all say the same thing about you.That you're a fucking crybaby

  • Global Moderator

    @The-Sniper and I don't make this shit up

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  • @Faker Dude of course Mikkel is looking out for his game because your a problem for the game obviously. Why do you think he started this thread?
    No one cares about who you talk to away from this game lol.
    Toosmooth actually has a different view on things and i kinda agree with him.


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  • @The-Sniper You did ignore what Faker was doing initially even when i was challenging Faker about his behaviour so i think you have had a part to play in this and i think we all have.
    It will be up to Mikkel to try save OB2D. I even told you to say something but you didnt because he was fighting you.
    @toosmooth your very toxic man and its funny how oblivious @Faker has been. Pretty much everyone is pissed off with his behaviour even toosmooth who is getting all the title shots lol.

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