Ob’s TOP 5 players

  • Now that ob getting pretty active just a curiosity on who you guys thinks was your toughest 5 fighters to fight against in any era that you played in. Doesn’t have to be who you think are the best 5 players on ob of all time unless u want to, but just toughest as in people styles you can never figure out or someone who you couldn’t never beat. Just to keep ob forum active and would love to see everyone’s answers mines are

    1. Here to Fight
    • him at one because when I first started playing he was online a lot in 2010 the time where side jabbing was most used punch his style I could never crack I never beat him one time. I was new but he made me break 2 keyboards he rightfully is at my number one
      I couldn’t do anything to his style he would just simple ko and outbox and make me pissed I would love to see him come back too see how I fair vs him now but at any periods of time since I played he gave me most problems on all my alts I never beat him one time. I kept creating alts to try and beat him in 4 rounder still he catches me.
    1. Faker ( my running mate )
    • This was tuff between 3 and 2 because Faker and I dominated the game and his style is so tricky I have to be 100 percent focused or I can’t win. I truly think he can beat anyone I mean anyone that was in the ob community now. Truly frustrating he will outbox you make you throw punches then good night your out! He truly mastered ob with me. I also would love to see these guys that I named vs faker too once they got out of their rust. But he rightfully in my 2nd spot.
    1. John
    • One of the best ob players there was a time where he was so much better than everyone he had a 198 streak. Crazy to think about he was unbeatable for me in a period of time I couldn’t crack his style I remember he said I was going to be hof one day and he the best in the game back in 2012 I thought he was bullshitting. He leads 50+ over me in H2h only fighter ever to do that. I was young at the time and now I would love to see how his style matches up against mine now days and if he ever decided to come back and give me and faker a run for our money no reason why he shouldn’t be Number 1 on my list. Until then he’s going to be 3rd but easily can become number 1 on my list at any time.
    1. Fatny
    • his style was so different he’d outbox you, pushes non stop and makes you miss just like John. Had a hard time vs fatny as a kid but surprisingly I’m only down 6 vs him. I would love to see fatny come back too see how I fair vs him now but he rightfully at my number 4 spot him and John the goat in peoples eyes and I can see why.
    1. Captain America/phenom
    • Another guy I couldn’t figure out back in 2013 when I was a kid guy was just simply better than me . I would also love to see how he would fair vs me now days if he would only come back and fight and shake off the rust. He didn’t name himself phenom for nothing guys a beast. Back in 2013 think he was always top 3-4 on everyone’s list.

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  • There’s a difference between our all-time toughest challenges and the all-time greatest fighters based on accomplishments. I believe your list falls into the former category.

    This game is like 20 years old and it’s not fair to downplay the first half (which happened to be the toughest era) because you weren’t around. Those were the years when the game was thriving with 20-30 regular players. Also, as I’ve mentioned to you before, the game had different settings and the dedicated server which ensured an even playing field unlike these days.

    Based on my experience over both eras, here’s my list of toughest fights and all-time greats (based on various factors). If I don’t rank someone that high on this list, they shouldn't take offense. It just means I didn’t face them often enough at their peak. Also, I didn't research records and analyze H2Hs to ensure more accuracy in these lists. Maybe I'll do that down the road.

    Toughest Challenges (Lots of ties since it’s hard to separate)

    1. Fatny (OB2)
    2. Crank (OB2)
    3. Faker (OB2/HTF (OB2)
    4. Larry Holmes (OB1/OB2)/Labratory (OB1/OB2)/Salvador Sanchez (OB1/OB2)
    5. Unstoppable (OB2)/Nigel Benn (OB2)/John (OB2)

    All-Time (OB1, overall accomplishments, level of opposition, & dominance)

    1. Larry Holmes (OB1/OB2)
    2. Fatny (OB2)
    3. Salvador Sanchez (OB1/OB2)
    4. Here To Fight (OB2)
    5. Labratory (OB1/OB2)
    6. Mike Tyson (OB1/OB2)
    7. John(OB2)/Unstoppable(OB2)/Nigel Benn (OB2)/Crank (OB2)/Faker (OB2)

    Something else to keep in mind, if someone like Fatny or Larry Holmes came back today, you, Faker, and several others would likely beat them consistently. However, beating those guys wouldn't make you greater fighter than those two. This is a game that you have to play on a regular basis to compete with the top fighters, and many of them no longer possess that same motivation from 10-20 years ago. I mean Chris Paul isn't a greater player than Michael Jordan because he'd kick his ass on the court today, right?

    Just my two cents as an observer.

  • Global Moderator

    1. The Crank 2 - It's hard for me to base a list on present and past times. John and Fatny were so potent back in the day when I was new & upcoming. But it's very different now when you can look back at how good they really were as opposed to just getting KO'd in a few rounds and not being able to know. Just the same way I believe someone like John would beat some of his predecessors that beat him in the past when he was new & upcoming. However, someone like Crank - I've seen him develop, show versatility to box and punch and also become defensively and offensively sharp. He went from what I still can't believe was an 11 year old kid that gave Fatny the undisputed #1 a run for his money at the ripe age of only 11. I have played a lot of games in my day and I know that as time goes on, people discover the game, they become better at it - they master it. And that's what I believe Crank has done. For me, Crank is the best guy that I have ever fought. By far (https://youtu.be/0IWojm7QngI?t=9)

    2. John - For me this one sort of goes without saying. He truly did have a great career. When I was absolutely new to the game I always asked John many questions about past players and how he faired against them. I specifically asked him about the #3 guy on this list. And John put his hands down and said, Fatny is better than me - it's that simple. But then when Fatny made a comeback in 2013 John annihilated him - so I thought, john, wtf?? I honestly didn't think much of it back then because I was very new to the game but that was truly impressive. John was courteous in victory and had a nice chat with Fatny after their fights. John was a scary thing back in the day. Showed me the ropes of the game and gave me a feeling of hope. I started the game in late 2013 when the only way you could get practice was to get KTFO. And John taught me all the different punches and then let me beat up on his 'Trainer John' account which actually made me feel quite good.

    3. Fatny - Fought him a few times when I was still developing and to say the least I was very impressed. He was an elite player and he was kind enough to give me advice. Differing advice from the 4th person on this list. The exact advice he gave me was - "It's an uphill battle if you keep leaning and backing up like that". I was very offended but I took it to heart because this guy is the 🐐. Having Fatny as #3 is almost a disservice to him but he didn't give me my toughest fights. Not in any way shape or form. However I just knew he was a top-elite player. A great great player indeed.

    4. Here To FIght - A good friend I should say. But also an absolutely great player. I see why Crank has him topping his list. I almost went to HTF crying when Fatny was telling me to stop leaning and backing up like a bitch. This is when HTF took me to his ultra-gay dojo. HTF told me 'Fuck that, you do what you have to do to win. As long as you get the W, no one can say shit.' Those words stuck with me forever. To be fair I just didn't know much about him to make any further comments. He was sort of past my generation and didn't make too many appearances.

    5. IDK tbh. The top 4 guys are just so high up there that the #5 spot is in a grey area for me. Would probably have to be another HOFer (Unstop/Lab/Nigel)

  • @Reaper said in Ob’s TOP 5 players:

    @Bearalicious hey, not sure if this is black bear? but i sort of agree. The era that we were in was so tough and the settings were completely different so it made it much more harder.
    The thing is all one of the all time vets needs to do is comeback for a few weeks and be active then they could beat the current top players. I think that is the difference there but that is no disrespect to crank or faker but its just another level of experience. Hell i came back for a bit and beat both of them but wasn't dominant due to inactivity/lag issues.

    Fatny was the best player for me because people just did not want to fight the guy.
    It gets a little ropey after John because of how weak the era became and inactivity of players.

    At this point, I don't believe most of the all-time vets can come back and dominate. There are few exceptions. Players like Crank and Faker have been playing the game under these settings for 10 years straight. One of those few exception vets would have to come back extremely motivated, willing to play consistently for years to rise to the top again. However, I just don't see that happening today with an unstable server (fights still skip or lag against certain players), people getting older, working, starting families, pandemic times, etc.

    That said, I didn't play this game for over a decade, and I was able to get competitive with decade long active players in only a few months. If the server issue got fixed that means perhaps a Fatny, Larry Holmes, Here To Fight, Salvador Sanchez, john, etc. could come back to regain some glory if they were given a few years to get up to speed. They'd likely need a year or two since most of the top players today have a 10 year head start under the new settings.

  • @Reaper said in Ob’s TOP 5 players:

    @Bearalicious Well if i can do it then i think most of them can in my opinion.

    Are you dominating them on a regular basis? Getting a few skipping/lagging connection wins against them here and there doesn't mean you're at that level.

  • Global Moderator

    @Reaper I don't even read what you say anymore tbh. I just read other people's comments and just know what you're saying.

  • Fatny

    1. Red Viper dudes like fuking mike tyson up and down 10 times in one second and throws uppercuts that will decapitate u, 20 uppercuts=1 second GOAT.
      2.Fatny-great defensive fighter but Red Viper would Decapitate him.gg
      3.John-Great offensive fighter yes very sexy (like..his nvm)
      4.StreetBully/Reaper-ReaperthePeaperPeeweeHerman lag is the most chotic in the game causes memorible upsets of top players. StreetBully takes VITamin-6942011118748934hufihv fiku so he is tied for number 4 he fights to smart to be listed lower.
      5.Toosmooth(Toogay)/CrankTheDank/FakerTheBaker6942004296969- Toogay should not be hof but I put him on the list cuz I am a clown and he has won against, even tho he has lost, like pretty much all his opposition. Faker the baker- U just never know what he is going to bake, Crank the dank, He's too High on weed makes him Yoda and he punches fast and hard gg wp nerds.

    -Tomato Rojo

  • Yeah Idk just having fun

  • @Unstoppable And I will also say this, If I dominate this generation or era, I consider myself the best of all time...

  • Global Moderator

    @Unstoppable If you can catch up or even overtake Crank in h2h, then I'd definitely agree with that statement. Crank's the same guy who was giving Fatny problems at 11 years old. Almost went damn near even with him. So yeah I'd agree with that.

  • @Faker Having fought both of them at their peaks, Fatny is on another level. Me in prime self could not take Fatny as much as I can beat Crank now, but Crank is definitely nothing to be messed with lol.

  • @Faker Another thing is Fatny was outside his prime when they fought, hell I even whooped on Fatny around that same time when they were fighting.

  • @Reaper Yeah Fatny prime started January 07, thats when almost every time you log on he had a damn streak

  • My top 5 ever:

    1. Fatny - Undeniably the goat, I have now been around a couple of months on the new settings, also made appearances and brief comebacks during the John days and still nobody compares to his greatness.

    2. HTF/Newguy - My day1 partner, we were so bad but used to wake up everyday 5am just to fight before school and eventually we got really good. He has fastest hands in OB history along with deadly combos, almost damn near impossible to defend. He was the goat before Fatny mastered the game.

    3. Unstoppable - I am going to put myself in this slot, I have played on every setting in OB history(yes I was here OB2d v1 when there was only one blue room and someone named Irish J was champ lol). I have been a top player on the power rankings at least once in every single setting. I understand John has a better h2h but many of my losses were because I had taken time off or coming back after retiring. Our battles were still close even on my losses but I will give myself the edge as I think 06-08 were my best years and anything after is semi irrelevant.

    4. John - His glory days were after OB died down but still he was damn near unbeatable. He was pure boxer with deadly accuracy that made it tough to defend, he was just as sharp as Fatny and I think he would give anyone hell during any era. The reason I give him #4 here is because he did make a brief comeback but wasn’t able to take out today’s top guys, with all due respect he was not in his top form or even near it so it doesn’t count tbh. It’s just that I have come back and can beat todays top guys with consistency now.

    5. Salvador Sanchez/Happy Killmore - If Sal were to log in to the HTF account and fight, one could hardly tell the difference between the two. Both were very dominant with speed and efficiency that have been unmatched to this day in history. Honestly 3-5 on the lists are interchangeable, he would be even higher if he didn’t alt all the time back in the days because I never knew who I was fighting. This dude used to make new accounts and go like 150-2 then never play on it again, and mind you this was during OB glory days.

    Honorable mentions:

    1. Labratory - Could have easily been top 5 and may be in some lists already. He was actually considered the goat during his prime and that was above fighters like Larry Holmes, Sal Sanchez, Mike Tyson(prime Tyson)

    2. Jermain Taylor - Honestly to me is #2 all time behind Fatny but he did soooo much work so fast and early and his career was considered short. I honestly think JT is Fatny, the timeline of events definitely aligns with it being him. He was even better than HTF before he disappeared.

    3. Larry Holmes - Considered the goat by many older players. Old man Larry as we knew him was around for every setting besides our current day settings and he used to dominate. His best settings were ob2d v1 and early ob2d v2. I hear he was the goat in Ob1 as well. I’ve learned so much from him I think we have the most H2H battles in history of OB. FIG will forever live.

    4. Crank- There are whispers of him and his running mate Faker to join OB HOF and there is no denying Crank is the cream of the crop of this new age OB. Very tough defense with accuracy and speed, his story in OB history is still being written, he may be ahead of some others I mentioned in this list already but I just can’t disrespect the OG vets because I think they would be some good fights.

    5. Nigel Benn/ Prime Mike Tyson/sugarray/Faker

  • @ProfsBack Ummm yeah bro you need to come up off that belt. I've been on waiting to see you throughout the days. Only saw that you came on once at like 2am like 2 days ago. This is after you said "I will be on tomorrow" when you won the title. As an OB vet, you know better, no sitting on titles.....

  • @ProfsBack Also we have a discord if you want to message the group at any time to get on, so there is literally no excuse.

  • @ProfsBack Thank you for the compliments and you certainly made some fair points. My run will always be diluted due to the population of the game at that time. I know that every one will not see me as a top 3 fighter of all time or the GOAT. And that's totally fine as that is yours and everyone else's opinions.There's tons of great fighters that we've had over OB's history. Any discussion that involves different era's will end with discussions like these. It is correct that there were some HOF'ers that made brief comebacks during or after my HOF run. A lot of them had a hard time beating me. Obviously they came close to beating me or had surely beat me as my style can be caught on easily and exploited at times.

    Larry Holmes told me i was the luckiest player ever as every match i had against him during my run i did my signature KO on him. Every time. I haven't seen him since then, which was very unfortunate as i wanted more people to come back and have fun with the game again. I did everything that i could to keep the game interesting and alive for as long as i could.

    Fatny and I were near neck to neck on rounds. He would get the majority of the round wins though as he's Fatny. Not much else you can do besides stick to what you do best against the guy and hope you can catch him slipping. He will always be my toughest opponent and my true rival in this game. Beating him is like beating a game at it's hardest difficulty with all of the available modifiers to make your life a living hell.

    Unstoppable was and still is a beast, and we kicked each other's asses till we both had zero stamina left every time to the point where we had take rounds off just playing defense for me ass kicking later. .

    HTF briefly came back under a different name or names, can't truly confirm that, but we had some solid matches and he gave me props from how far i've come since 2007-2008.

    Sal, Lab, and several honorable mentions came back and couldn't keep up.

    My personal Top 5 opponents would be

    1. Fatny
    • No explanation needed
    1. Unstoppable
    • There were times where i couldn't hit him or outpunch him. Too fast, great accuracy, and good defense.
    1. Crank
    • Had some solid battles for sure. Definitely got the edge on me here and there with well timed counters and great boxing. Very capable of charging in for inside slugging, but does more damage when he's slipping and countering..
    1. Faker
    • He's my protege, he knows my moves and likes using them against me damn it.
    1. Salvador-Sanchez
    • He dominated during 2008 under alts and he simply could not be touched. Couldn't outbox, outslug, or hit him at all. He held the game hostage at one point with all of the titles, al lwhile doing it either tipsy or drunk.

    Honorable mentions in no order
    HTF, Fernando Vargas, Mikkel, Reaper, Red Viper, Dick E. Boon (200ms+ ping), TheMadMan, Nigel Benn, Larry Holmes

    I'm sure HTF, Sal, and Larry would have been higher on my list if i was able to play against them more during their primes.

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