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offline singleplayer  XML
Forum Index » General discussions
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bruce lee


Joined: 28/05/2008 12:12:42
Messages: 8

hey mik, anyway you could make it possible to play sp offline? sometimes the server is down and i would like to practice, could you make this possible? thnx

Joined: 31/05/2008 20:24:45
Messages: 6

Wow! Dat is a good idea. Cuz sometimes folks won't even b online when I log on 2 fight, one. And 2, it gets boring just hittin' a bag.

Most internet ppls r retards. If u talk trash online, b prepared 2 pay 4 it also.


Joined: 01/11/2007 16:10:40
Messages: 10

Hah, half the time I can't hit the STANDING test guy. Also offline 2 player would rock as well- I have two analog joysticks and would love to play this against someone locally.
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bruce lee


Joined: 28/05/2008 12:12:42
Messages: 8

im talkin about 2d boxing
Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

bruce lee wrote:im talkin about 2d boxing

I don't think mikkel will make any changes on 2D..

DoomRater wrote:half the time I can't hit the STANDING test guy.

You aren't the only one


Joined: 01/11/2007 16:10:40
Messages: 10

I'm working on that standing test guy, but pretty soon I'm gonna have him lean a bit so I can get some practice on that too.

That said, it would be really awesome if I could hook up two analog joysticks and play with a friend locally.
[WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN]
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