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Forum Index » Technical issues
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Joined: 05/05/2008 06:11:00
Messages: 1

Hi i'm a new player

i would like to play ob but when i select test, training or multiplayer the game instantly crash

i have windows xp home
amd 4200+ 2gb ram
37 hd gb free

in multiplayer i can stay in the lobby but if i start fight the game crash


Joined: 08/03/2008 08:55:42
Messages: 28

are you using a control pad to play the game

Joined: 16/06/2008 05:39:41
Messages: 1
Location: Latvia

i have the same problem. and ic ould play before


couldnt be a problem with pad because it happens even if i plug it out

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 18/06/2008 07:39:24

Ray Johnson


Joined: 10/01/2007 13:36:12
Messages: 1983

lollo wrote:Hi i'm a new player

i would like to play ob but when i select test, training or multiplayer the game instantly crash

i have windows xp home
amd 4200+ 2gb ram
37 hd gb free

in multiplayer i can stay in the lobby but if i start fight the game crash

So many people with XP Home have random problems - It's probably because you have XP Home..
Forum Index » Technical issues
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