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Messages posted by: Aquaboxa
Forum Index » Profile for Aquaboxa » Messages posted by Aquaboxa
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It's only me, there is no rooms or servers to select, no other people around, it says it's only me online, must be a major bug. Fix or help me please.
I think I downloaded the wrong version of the game, please give me a download link etc. I'm so confused.
I have it saved right now so basically I click a small icon on my downloads on mozilla. And it opens some JME monkey engine, I select my screen. I can't find any other players, is anyone online?
I played a Play Vs. Cpu fight, I had the controls up. I pressed the keys on my keyboard*i'm on a laptop* Nothing worked. I just sat there and got hit, Now, I exited the game. And it's not saved on my computer, what gives? I really need help please.
Downloaded the game, have my boxer made, but it's just me in the chat and I can't find anyone to fight, i'm playing the 3D version, now what do I do?
Do I have to download this game? I'm trying to go on it via the website and clicking the start game button and then clicking click here if you're a new player, any ideas? Thanks
I am using Mozilla Firefox, thanks.
Hi, I recently became interested in this game. It looks very fun. However, I can not play it. The forum works perfectly, but I can not play the actual game. When I try to sign up, I press the "click here if you're a new player." button, and then. Nothing happens, the button just freezes, any insight is helpful. Thank you.
Forum Index » Profile for Aquaboxa » Messages posted by Aquaboxa
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