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Messages posted by: Dick E. Boon 2
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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Rocky Marciano wrote:That sig (of Salvador's) is going to make people like Viper mad.

I trained for 2 days and then boxed number one contender Mr. Boon. Here is the fight:

I am back too but just to box 200 matches.

Rocky you retired many times and came back many times. How serious you want us to take you? Yes you beat me fair, but I would appreciate it if you would fight me next time in a 12 rd-er and without using one of your alts.
Sign me up please. Dick Emanuel Boon

I say John and Vargas will make it to the finals.
By not inducting new people into the HOF, the HOF lost his credibility. I dont buy it that players like Ashton or Labratory are/were better than players like Jermain Taylor / Nigel Benn / Vargas / John.

Mikkel created a great game but imo he should put a little more effort in the HOF section. People take it seriously, and they are right to do so, it is (or at least is was) an honor to be in the HOF. By not inducting new people it shows some disregard to the new players.

I'll do anything to get a fight against quality opposition, evening joining events like this set up by rag doll Yacoob.
Ray, please stop it, this isn't fun anymore. Please give us your opinion about John and the HOF.
Ray Johnson wrote:
But I guess he'll stay alive and live a rubbish, pathetic and useless life. It's a shame, really.

Why the hate versus Viper Ray, why? I can't agree to what you are saying here. Viper is a colorful personality and a great fighter who will remembered for a long time. OB misses him.

But this post is about John and the HOF. As I understand the HOF'ers + Mikkel decide who comes in. Now I know Mikkel is reading this post so I would like to hear his opinion about OB's latest sensation called John.
Redneck wrote:
look at this boon. Supporting the guys to get into the HOF and forgeting himself. How long is this guy now playing and supporting the game? Always here and there Champ. Not dominating but keep a keen eye on him. He will one day. Now some guys are crying "yeah, he is winning because of his ping"...but if you ask me he would be 3 times better in normal speed. I see that on me. If i fight in fast speed and good ping i am much more better than in slower ping. The faster the gamespeed the better i am (much punches need the effect of surprise. And boons style is partly surprise-based.).

Thanks Redneck but I am not good enough for the HOF. Having said that I am arrogant enought to state that any player better than me (Viper, John, Vargas and Benn) is a HOF candidate.
By the way I´d say my style is not surprise based but wearing people down with a vicious body jab, win the stamina game in the early rounds and take them out later in the fight (if my opponent makes it to the later rounds).
Fatny wrote:IMO john or red viper should be next, they may not be as good as me/htf/larry were but really, who gives a shit, ...

I think old skool players have the tendency to think that everything used to be better in the old days. Id like to see some HOF´ers come out of their semi-retirements and test their skills against John, I think they will be surprised how good this guy really is.

I agree on Red Viper being inducted as well. He may not have dominated as other HOF´er but he is something special, a great fighter and a colorful personality. A living legend who never got the respect he deserved during his career, just like Vincent van Gogh. I think people will start to appreciate Red Viper after his death.

Viper proved so many players wrong during his career. As a fighter he is best to be compared with Mike Tyson in his prime. Both were fast and fearless angry young man who tried to knock you out inmediatly once the fight got started. Tyson may not be the best fighter out there also, but he left his mark on boxing, and so did Viper.

No one will remember 20 years from now guys like Labratory or some joke called Ashton, but they will remember Red Viper. Mark my words.
Mikkel wrote:Yes I know what you mean, in some I get 290 and some 230, they are totally unreliable

LOL you just beat me Mikkel I wanted to write the same after reading Rednecks post.

John, I love a man thas has confidence in his own IQ.

Mikkel, what is your opinion about John and the HOF?
Guys shouldn´t John be inducted into the HOF by now?

- He has been very dominant for 4 months now, almost Fatny-like
- He doesn´t duck nobody and loves challenges

- The opposition isn´t that good (or is John so good?, I mean he has beaten the likes of Fatny and Larry, okay they were past their prime)

If people don´t want to induct him into the HOF because of weak opposition, then why doesn´t some HOF´er come out of retirement and expose John? I mean the guy did everything you can possibly ask for.

Opinions please.
Redneck and Ed, what happened between the 2 of you? I remember you being close friends, talking about dog puppies and all that stuff.
Redneck wrote:
you sound like an ignorant. Where is your tolerance, country-fan? Think about your statement fatny... Redneck

Have you thought about your statements FAT KNEE? Is there anything you would like to tell us country boy?
What do you guys think about this:

Listen to the lyrics. Frank taught me English!
How do you rate Johnny Cash Viper? You have a strong opinion on music. I like that in a man.
Red Viper wrote:Ok, why the Johnny Cash Comparision.

Because you guys talk the same way, or maybe it´s just not me as English isnt my first language.
Hope to see you online soon again Viper, it´s always fun to fight against you, one of the best OB players around.
Forum Index » Profile for Dick E. Boon 2 » Messages posted by Dick E. Boon 2
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