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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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sterlihalla wrote:douglas almost got koed by tyson he didnt even beat the 10 count because the time keeper was counting faster then the ref but the ref decides more then the time keeper so the refs count was final.
so that means you didnt have to say anything could of said he got klnocked down and got up at 7
fat give me a top ten ranker who is fat

larry put alot of extra wieght around the waist line
guys liek sultan i can understand he is fit but doesnt have much muscle

i think it's a myth that hevaywieghts nowasays are fat
it's just too many belts too many prospects or undefeated fighters who clog up the system and will have don king just feeding his prize marrows...all of them are vegatables.
Larry Holmes wrote:The HW division is the most suckiest of all times in every division. It is totally not interesting in any way. No Tyson, no [b]Evander[/b] , no Lennox, no Ali, no Lewis ,no Lerru just a bunch of a in slowmotion moving overweight fat hairy slops.
evander back baby

Donny_king wrote:It's guys like him that stopped me watching boxing, honestly the guy is so so so so boring.

I hope that runner runs right into one of Hattons right hooks.

You know this is one of the reasons I like UFC, you can run yes but sooner or later you will get caught up with and taken down. You can't run off when you are on the floor !!

No I'm not starting a UFC debate again so back off


Who is the best of the generation in your eyes guys ?

Not that I know anything about boxing anymore but I'd just like to hear what you think and then maybe I can find a few fights to watch that don't put me to sleep. I do still love Boxing, it's an awsome sport !
hattons left hook i believe

and about ufc i did like it great fun to watch if you want a fight then wham you got it but i just saw the last one and man that was Ultimute Fucking Crap almost all of them did a defencive style just so they didnt get hit and when they did pure flat out addidas running to the otherside.

then they will stare at each other for about a min(1 min is alot of time in a fight) then they circle around....then they collide fall to the floor and just see them trying to land punches on each other.

but yeah boxing and mma is a different world with the same attitude like rugby and american football both have try goals and the idea is to grab the ball and put it on the other side...and in that both sports can play the same rules. my 2 peneth
Ray Johnson wrote:Floyd doesn't need combos, his style is doing the trick.. they are an entertaining part of Boxing, floyd not doing any adds to the boringness of the fights.
true but he was a combo puncher thats what got him the title of pound 4p pound in that he had amazing speed power reactions abilty and combo's.

i would understand when your fighting a guy like oscar that you should hit and run. he is old and bigger and doesnt have the speed to catch up with you and will come in on the night at aroudn 160lb while you will be at around welterwieght maybe 150lb. that makes so much sense and i wouldnt mind him about that...

but when you see him coming in as a gladiator then running away from a complete non puncher in baldomir. who is very tough and wont fold easily but is limited.then make a display of your skills show the world what you can do dont try win the fight MAKE THE FIGHT. he could of stopped baldo if he just kept blitzing him through workrate.

i do feel sorry for him in a way that he is always criticised for not fighting the guy when you can easily when the fight but just being a low action low workrate but great accuracy. it doesnt put bums on seats.

a shame but he did kinda deserve all the criticism.

i would go for ali joe was very hard to beat if you were a a brawler he would use his jab to place you into area of the ring and dominate you until he is close enough to throw a great 5 hit combo

but on the backfoot joe was very limited bu to shuffle forward till he could slam some shot in.

in the famous conn-louis fight conn who wasnt a good boxer had an awful jab more of a pat than a punch who was only a light heavy dominated almost all the round till he was willing to trade with louis thinking he had tasted his power and looked for the knockout but he went right into joe's hands and even hurt him very badly. but still joe came back and wham he knocked conn down and conn didnt get up.

anyways ali would do everything that conn could do better he had a far better chin better handspeed a great jab and a style that would fluster joe.

a tough fight and muhhamad would have to work his pay because joe wasnt a slow mover but he couldnt catch guys only hope that they would make a mistake.

also somthing that i will put down to stir the brew. joe louis had a weak chin...not wet paper klitschko weak more 3 plywood thick style chin. he could take some good shots but a solid heavy punch would make stiffen his legs up and he would go really defencive. anyways ali could punch..maybe not a punchers stylist but he could smack very well he made cleveland williams look childlike with his dancing style. he also landed one of the best left hooks against bonavena which made a man who had a real iron chin and a tough demenor about him and a left hook makes bono stmble all over the place. i think he was a very underated puncher but yet again that isnt for me to say becuase that isnt the title of the thread.

so muhhamad ali ko in the later rounds from around 8-15
sterlihalla wrote:LOL what a dum blonde if you love my eye brows marry them and ALi hands down.
Last post in this topic lol
to be honest when somone says lol in capitals at the start of a sentance it means they are insulted just a thing i learned in phsycology
anyways...boxing has always had the boring fighter but just cant be beat.

thing is with floyd is a great ring technician had alot of power especially at the lower wieghts at super feather he cleaned out the division then at light welter and up he fought less and less useful comp. and even when this is the greatest welterwieght group in years.
mayweather jr
de la hoya

even journeyman and prospects


this is a heavy mix and all floyd can fight are 1 or 2 times a year against an old man in baldomir a good but not up to the mark oscar and in that his best win at welter must be gatti and gatti was a punch bag with arms he actually prides himself on having no defensae and then he stands infront of floyd waiting for get hit?...come to think about it i just noticed isnt that the last time floyd threw a combo of more than 2?
sterlihalla wrote:agreed altho hearns wasnt that gd but he had a big advantage for his wieght the guy looked like a middle wieght but fought at welter.
wasnt this the guy who went from welter wieght to light heavywight getting a title in almost each wieght?

he had amazing handspeed devastating right ahdn power a great left hook to the body and a long snapping jab.

but chin well it wasnt great but he could take a jab or 2

very bad i dea on heartns look on some reels of him he was amazing and desrerves more credited than leonard
again keep to the topic of the thread

it was a interesting ideas that contender fighters arnt good....

oh yeah new contender serias line up looks fucking good.
sterlihalla wrote:i rearly dont know what goldenboy was actually thinking maybe he is in such denile he believes gomez is the greatest fighter in the world lol.
you must be in denile to think manfredo was ever gd or just plain stupid.
keep it on track of the thread man

it's interesting becuase the young ali was nimble and sharp and aggresive the later one would counter stay on the ropes and wait for oppitunities. and clinch to tires them out.

joe louis though was very concistent only in the later 30's did he show how ol dhe was.

both have got great jabs
both have good power and speed
and each have there own individual style that they bring to the game.

also they were the opposite in attitudes outside the ring joe a very very patriotic american who was humble quite and brooding

ali was loud seemingly arrogant silver tongued and would say exactly what he was thinking
Jens Oso wrote:he was good but even in his prime got whooped by holyfield and douglas then went to jail

douglas was in the best shape of his career.and used all the tactics the tyson blueprint had previded if you jab and kepphim at arms length and drop bombs till he runs out of steam.

tyson also wasnt the man he used to be he wans the slick bobbing and weaving jabbing andbombing to the body with a 6 hit combonation it was just a masacre when he fought sombody who couldnt defend themselves.

and holyfield - tyson was a fight in which tyson was becoming a slugger he didnt slip punches anymnore he didnt use his handspeed as before he just launched bombs till the other guys dropped.

and as evander had a good chin decent skill power and ability he just kept hitting tyson again and again tyson just kept getting countered until that right hand that holy hit him in the last round of the fight when tyson goes onto his back foot and wobbles around on the ropes. evander then starts to woop him...somthing young tyson could of defended against
Jens Oso wrote:no heck no its "ill fuck you til u love me bitch"
your wrong it's faggot
Ray Johnson wrote:
1 JIGSAW 1 wrote:lol eh it would be a great fight.i dont know who would seems like you cant tell in boxing.and watson you didnt have to cuss me out after i beat you

Jigsaw is right, in Boxing you can't tell who would win but only the most likely outcome. I would guess Rocky would get in a few jabs winning the rounds wearing tyson out, but there could be an unexpected turn around.
wrong thread man
rocky rarely jabbed and in that tyson had a better jab.

and mythical match ups...yeah i know it's impossible to say what will happen maybe a different factor will come into play that we wouldnt of seen in earlier fights.

but it's just fun man and verbal sparring..anyways lewis by strong ud
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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