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Messages posted by: OB_Inside_Exclusive
Forum Index » Profile for OB_Inside_Exclusive » Messages posted by OB_Inside_Exclusive
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Ray Johnson wrote:Good post but I was disappointed not to see any talk about lag

You're correct. The interview was previously edited and now the full "uncensored" version has been posted to maintain authenticity.
OB Inside Exclusive w/One of OB's Most Controversial Figures, Dick E. Boon

Thank you all for tuning into the second installment of OB Inside Exclusive. This program gives you an inside look into the games legends, champions, rumors, and more.

In today’s installment we take a close and personal look at one of OB’s Great Champions, The Notorious Skirt Chaser, Dick E. Boon. Dick is one of the most colorful and controversial fighters to ever play this game. Although we had a handful of telephone connection issues during the interview, it was quite a pleasure catching up with him.

OB Inside Exclusive: How are you Dick?

Dick E. Boon: I’m great. It’s good to be alive!

OB Inside Exclusive: Well, let’s get down to business. How’s this game treating you these days?

Dick E. Boon: Hello? I couldn’t hear you. I’m having bad connection problems. Could you please repeat the question?

OB Inside Exclusive: Sure. How’s this game treating you these days?

Dick E. Boon: Ok, I can hear you now. You know, like most, I have my ups and downs. However, I like to think of myself as an old veteran that can always upset anyone on my best days.

OB Inside Exclusive: You’ve been champ many times. It’s almost like a monthly routine for you. What are your future goals in this game?

Dick E. Boon: At this point, I would love to one day become undisputed champ, but none of these goons want to fight me. They’re always dishing out excuses.

OB Inside Exclusive: Yes, you’ve been quite a controversial figure in this game. Do you think you would earn more respect if you had a better connection?

Dick E. Boon: Fuck the connection! It’s not like my ping is as bad as Reaper’s or 1000 or something. People just hate fighting me because they’re inferior to me. That’s the plain truth.

OB Inside Exclusive: No offense, but you don’t think it’s unfair that everyone is used to playing at a ping of 0-140, but then you come along with your 180-200 ping?

Dick E. Boon: It’s nothing but an excuse. I don’t hear them complain when they beat me.

OB Inside Exclusive: Good point. Dick, now we move on to the portion of the program where the fans get to ask you anything they’d like. Matt from London asks, “How did you get the name Dick and what does Boon mean?"

Dick E. Boon: (chuckles before answering) If I were given a nickel for every time I’ve been asked that question, I’d be a millionaire. Without getting too graphic, I earned that nickname during my college days. I was quite a hit with the ladies always chasin’ skirts. My friends started calling me that because they said that in college I was learning more about how to use my dick as opposed to how to recite literature or how to work a difficult math equation. The “Boon” part I modified for this game. The second part of my nickname is “Bootie” because I was always chasin’ tail and I’m an ass man. Refer to my signature. I loves me some ass.

OB Inside Exclusive: Don’t we all?

Dick E. Boon: I’d like to think that, but many males are swinging the other direction these days.

OB Inside Exclusive: We don’t have to get into that. For the sake of our readers, let’s not. Next question. Chris from Montreal asks, “How old are you Dick?”

Dick E. Boon: I’m young enough to keep chasin’ tail and old enough that I’d rather keep my age a secret.

OB Inside Exclusive: Jorge from Spain asks, “Did you sleep with the woman in your signature?”

Dick E. Boon: Seeing that this interview will be posted all over the internet, I’d rather not kiss and tell.

OB Inside Exclusive: Oh come on, even I’m curious to know. Please do share.

Dick E. Boon: I’ll give you a hint. Didn’t I say I was an ass man?

OB Inside Exclusive: You sure did. So does that mean you did sleep with her?

Dick E. Boon: Do flies like shit? Does Superman fly? Do I really need to spell it out?

OB Inside Exclusive: We get the picture. If she’s in Dick E’s sig, she’s tasted Dick E’s twig.

OB Inside Exclusive: Last question. Abe from Minnesota asks, “When are you going to get a better connection?”

Dick E. Boon: Here we go again with the stupid connection questions. You know what, Abe? Fuck you. Not all of us have the greatest technology. So what if I play this game on a Commodore 64 with a mouse on a wheel powering my system. It works, doesn’t it? I’m sick of bitches like you. Now you got me all worked up! By the way, little Dickie (Dick's mouse) doesn't appreciate this! He works damn hard!

OB Inside Exclusive: Alright Dick, it looks like we’re out of time. Is there anything that you would like to say to all of your fans or to anyone else?

Dick E. Boon: What? We’re losing connection? Repeat the damn question.

OB Inside Exclusive: Is there anything that you would like to say to all of your fans or to anyone else?

Dick E. Boon: For all of your whiners, stop making excuses. And for the ladies, party’s at my place. Email me at: for the address and directions.

OB Inside Exclusive: Well, that’s all the time we have. Thank you for your time Dick, and folks, stay tuned for the next installment of OB Inside Exclusive.

Thank you all for tuning into the first installment of OB Inside Exclusive. This program gives you an inside look into the games legends, champions, rumors, and more.

In today’s installment we take a close and personal look at one of OB’s Greatest Legends, Red Viper. Viper is one of the most legendary fighters to ever play this game. Like a true legend, he owns many of this game’s records, and his place in OB history cannot be denied.

OB Inside Exclusive: How are you Champ?

Red Viper: I’m ok. You think I’m a joke, huh? You do, huh?

OB Inside Exclusive: Champ? What are you talking about? We’re here to learn more about you and what makes you such a legend in this game?

Red Viper: Are you sure you don’t think I’m a joke?

OB Inside Exclusive: Champ? Are you really ok? Anyways, we here at OB Inside Exclusive are thrilled to be graced by such greatness. We have many questions we’d like to ask you. I hope you’re as thrilled as we are.

Red Viper: I guess. Just as long as you don’t think I’m a joke.

OB Inside Exclusive: You recently became a unified for the first time in your career. How great of an accomplishment was that for you?

Red Viper: I’ve been playing this game for almost 5 years and nobody gives me respect. They think I’m a joke. But it felt really good to shove it up their asses by becoming a unified champ for the first time ever. I worked hard to accomplish this. Since I began playing, I have been averaging close to 4000 hours of OB play time per year. I’m almost at 20,000 over the last 4-5 years. I played hard, stuck with it, and it paid off. So I say “fuck you” to all those people who think I’m a joke.

OB Inside Exclusive: Champ, everyone knows that to be a legend, you have to work hard. What training regimen do you use to always stay in tip-top shape?

Red Viper: Like I mentioned, I play a lot and that keeps me active. But I’ve been able to reach legendary status because every single day I follow the same routine. I wake up in the morning and drink a hot cup of coco with marshmallows followed by 2 bowls of peach oatmeal. Next, I get on the treadmill and jog for about 2 minutes. After that, I do finger stretches for 2 hours straight, and then swallow 10 raw eggs. I have to do all of this before I log on and begin playing. It’s like a ritual of greatness I do all the time. Oh yeah and when I’m online and playing, I like to drink pink Kool-Aid lemonade or Tang between rounds. Sometimes when I run out, my mom brings me refills.

OB Inside Exclusive: That’s insane Champ. Now it’s time for some questions from your most devoted fans. Kyle from England asks, “If you had a choice between spending a weekend alone with 5 Playboy bunnies or challenging for an OB title, what would you choose?”

Red Viper: That’s a very tough choice because I love this game with all of my heart. I guess I would choose the title shot because I can always find a girl in the future, but this game may not be around forever. I need to make history now while I’m young.

OB Inside Exclusive: Well that’s not what most normal guys would do but what the heck. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Jim from Ireland asks, “What do you think is your greatest accomplishment in this game?”

Red Viper: Look at my signature.

67 time Onlineboxing Champion- all my accounts combined.
54 time champion with the "Red Viper" Account Alone
111 title defences
22- OBC
14- OBW
10- OBA
4- SA
12- OBF
2- NA
1- Tournament
1- PDP
Have a 4300+ win differential
Greatest KO Artist In OB History
One of the greatest Sluggers in OB History
The most hardworking fighter in OB
Another OB Legend
A die hard martial arts films fan
The Quest for 10,000 KO's for one account
OB Name- Red Viper

These things are all special to me. I work harder than anyone on this game. I deserve it.

OB Inside Exclusive: Alright champ, it looks like we’re out of time. Is there anything that you would like to say to all of your fans or to anyone else?

Red Viper: Yes. Don’t underestimate me you fucking faggots. I can defeat anyone in this game. In 5 years, I vow to become the greatest player ever, and finally get HOF status. I don’t care if I have to drop out of school to accomplish this.

OB Inside Exclusive: Well, you all heard it from the legend himself. He’s serious about taking it to the next level. Thanks Champ for taking timeout from your busy schedule.

Red Viper: No problem. Wait. You think I’m a joke, don’t you? I get no respect.

OB Inside Exclusive: Champ, what are you talking about?

Red Viper:
You think I’m a joke. I know you do.

OB Inside Exclusive: No we don’t, Champ.

Red Viper: Are you sure?

OB Inside Exclusive: Well, that’s all the time we have. Stay tuned for the next installment of OB Inside Exclusive.

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