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Messages posted by: sugarray21002
Forum Index » Profile for sugarray21002 » Messages posted by sugarray21002
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I'm on now.
Larry Holmes
Mike Tyson
Jermaine Taylor
M.A Barrera
Greg Haugen
Come online now if u wanna title shot - I'm on 4 a couple of hours.
My new top 10 -

1) Newguy
2) Larry
3) Jermain Taylor
4) MAB
5) Unstoppable
6) Tyrant
7) USA
Fernando Vargas
9) Donny
10) Nigel Benn
I'm in.
I duck? Hmmmm...ok. Didn't I KO u earlier?
I had the same problem man - not so much now cause my conn is better, but for a while I couldn't get any fights.

When I was coming up, I fought guys like Mike Tyson, Sal and Larry every chance I got because I knew it would make me a better fighter. Now, people are so scared of losing they just take fights they know they can win. Not good.
1) HTF/NewGuy
2) Larry
3) Rush
4) Unstoppable
5) USA
6) Tyrant
7) Bricklayer
8 Donny King
9) Nigel Benn
10) Courture
I sent you a PM.
Wow, thanks man. Very much appreciated.

Hey man, what link do u mean?

I can give u my password.

Cheers, really appreciate it.
The above plea was me, forgot 2 log in.

But would be very grateful if anyone can help me out. Was just starting 2 get my groove back.
Forum Index » Profile for sugarray21002 » Messages posted by sugarray21002
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