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Messages posted by: Gauntlets
Forum Index » Profile for Gauntlets » Messages posted by Gauntlets
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Well I came back to the game after getting a new PC. Since dis b about joypad problems, it seems 4 me, da game no longer supports joypads... or do I gotta set it up ingame?
Yeah... Maybe it's my computer, but everytime I try to play the game, i.e. start a training session or try fighting someone, it keeps closing on me before I can even get to play. It's either my computer (I think I need 2 get a new one anyways), or it's some unknown issue that I'm unaware of.
CaptainAmerica wrote:hold up your talking about a mac os?

I dispise macs. So I know it's not my problem.
Have u tested dis game on Vista? I notice I play a round and a half or so, then da game just stops responding. I haven't a clue if it's happening 2 my opponent. I hope it's not my OS.
Wow! Dat is a good idea. Cuz sometimes folks won't even b online when I log on 2 fight, one. And 2, it gets boring just hittin' a bag.
Forum Index » Profile for Gauntlets » Messages posted by Gauntlets
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