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Messages posted by: Jens Oso
Forum Index » Profile for Jens Oso » Messages posted by Jens Oso
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Ok sorry for the delay. So far we got:
1. Jens Oso
2. kuyajosh
3. Ray Johnson
4. Goldenboy/Ray Sefo
Ray Johnson wrote:
Jens Oso wrote:so i take it that your joining?

I don't mind joining if:
1. I can keep my name
2. You accept people who don't fight
3. I can recruit everyone in OB2D


i have absolutely no problem with that at all. youll be like our promoter..all you gotta do is have the chuteboxe logo somewhere in your sig

Can I Be Apart Of It This Is Unbeatable A.k.A. Roy Jones jr. Remeber Me Jens?

im ok with that all you gotta do is where the sig somewhere on your forum account
kuyajosh wrote:Tournaments ready, im gonna randomly pick names and see the matchups then ill post em later. Schedule your fights on here and you gotta win 3/5. Lets make sure that the first round doesnt take a million years like past tournaments.

amen to that.
Ronald "Winky" Wright wrote:hey kuya its me. i can still join right?

Mikkel wrote:Jens pls dont quote obvious spam and ask what it is.

wow..thats a little late. lol
Ray Johnson wrote:
kuyajosh wrote:i guess ill be back
but no gyms ever last lol

why don't u just get everyone on OB to join? instead of asking on the forum, ask ingame and make everyone register on the forum

so i take it that your joining?

Im bringin back my old gym anybody want to join?
1. Jens Oso
2. Kuyajosh
3. Ray Johnson
4. Koscheck (may he rest in piece)
kuyajosh wrote:
Stealth wrote:im happy but not in the way your thinking of... hahaha no homo

wow wtf

thats what i was thinking too lol. nice sig.
Mikkel wrote:What's the problem ?

thats what im trying to find out what do i need on my cpu to play ob3d?
i used to be able to play on the computer that i used to use. when i try it on the computer that i use now (i took everything off of this one) it has that problem. but the other day i played on that old computer.

It worked.

Whats goin on?
So all you guys complaining about my skips...


"i miss you baby" xD
Im pro too.
ey my mic works now
i feel like nobody knows who i am...
Forum Index » Profile for Jens Oso » Messages posted by Jens Oso
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