Sorry if this is at the wrong place, but I only made this account for one answer. (Which was surprisingly easy actually, no email verification crap). When I'm going to start the installer of PhysX driver, so I can play the game, it starts to install, all perfectly fine and what not. Until it breaks your heart at the end of it when it says "Time Remaining: 0 Seconds" and then it gives you an error saying "Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC80.CRT ,processorArchitecture="x86",version="8.0.'". Please refer to Help and Support for more information." I click OK, and the installing bar dissapointingly goes BACKWARDS when it's rolling back the driver. Then it says "Installation ended prematurely because of an error." As if I didn't know that. Press OK and it's all over. I do not have Ageia Physics card, but I heard that you only need the driver for it to work. And that is also how other people play. I think what is happening is that it can't overwrite the other driver so it gives me some weird error, anyone know how I can locate and uninstall/disable my previous one? Any help is very much appreciated.