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Messages posted by: makthug
Forum Index » Profile for makthug » Messages posted by makthug
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k i've asked ppl about how 2 start a fight..and i've been told click challenge..well i havent seen this button cuz everytime i try 2 play my applet window is grey and can someone tell me wats poppin with this blank screen..and wat i have to do 2 play..i just wanna playyyyyyyyyyyy..whaaaaawhaaaaahelp me plzzzzzzzzzzzz
i cannot see any button that says send challenge or nuthin..i wanna play soo bad and im gettin pissed that i cant play..looks like please someone tell me step by step what 2 click on..i see this tab that say play ob through ur web browser and i dunno if i clikck on that..when i do its just a blank screen.."gray" and says online boxing at the top
someone plzzzzzzz help...this game looks sick
Forum Index » Profile for makthug » Messages posted by makthug
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