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Messages posted by: Rogue
Forum Index » Profile for Rogue » Messages posted by Rogue
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go edder
eddie take that obc champ out of your name. its not legit. you won nothing. YOU CHEATED
he koed flash frozen.. the second time flash raped him. but then unstopp raped flash
LMFAO he wasnt there.

theres the fight.. your a dumb shit kid
why should he? i watched you ko him frozen. You did the little tenative jabs to see if he was there or not.. once you were satisfied he had logged off. you double hooked him 3 times. and then you said you didnt mean to ko him?
ive got one. What year did reaper fight a 13 year old girl for the strawweight title? Hint He got knocked the fuck out

Sort your head out you wierdo !
lmfao at larry
hes gone. Maybe forever. wahoooooo
Anonymous wrote:Can i get the future video of reapers proffesional debut including his funeral service after he is killed.

He would never make it pro. To be completley honest he wont make it as an Am. you can tell who is actually really going places by the way they talk and present themself. he is the type of kid that thinks because he saw it on youtube that he can do it. It wont happen Ever
well good luck to you nigel. im sure you will be back soon enough.
yea i dont know why im not on it either. I beat eddie twice today and emmj 3 times.
seems unfair to me. was nigel not #1 in 3 divisions?
Forum Index » Profile for Rogue » Messages posted by Rogue
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