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Messages posted by: CANTTUCHTHIS1
Forum Index » Profile for CANTTUCHTHIS1 » Messages posted by CANTTUCHTHIS1
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i am back after a long vacation and i have missed a lot lol! o and how is everone
hay i wont in this
bye man u wher a good friend
golden boy started about the same time as i did and that waz a long time ago lol
thx man i like it but it wont let me copey and pace it ???
not realley jest get somethink that would be allsome think about cant tuch me think about the name idk lol do what ever and i waz wouldering when u have time would u tach me how to make one
not realley jest get somethink that would be allsome think about cant tuch me think about the name idk lol do what ever and i waz wouldering when u have time would u tach me how to make one
u can take as long as u wont on mine think u for taking the time a making one for me
man i mess realy suck because yall forgot about me do yall think i died in a car crach ?????
i am out and naver joing a nother gim again be by my self i will show u all who is 1 rank i dont care what yall so i bring it no NOW
i am up for it
what about me
no i did not make this up i bEAT HIM
Forum Index » Profile for CANTTUCHTHIS1 » Messages posted by CANTTUCHTHIS1
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