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Messages posted by: catfish2
Forum Index » Profile for catfish2 » Messages posted by catfish2
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hey my thingy posted twice. that's sexy
hmm, well i know for a fact i don't stay on for 3 hours. considering i pop in once in a while, (like you did) for a few minutes. unless i left my guy signed in. i can't sit in one place for too long.
hmm, well i know for a fact i don't stay on for 3 hours. considering i pop in once in a while, (like you did) for a few minutes. unless i left my guy signed in. i can't sit in one place for too long.
mike watson wrote:
catfish2 wrote:oh sexy larry, how in the world do you need a big brain to play this? you just need a lot of spare time like fagny or donny. or you for that matter.

unlike you, i have a job. i know, it's crazy isn't it? and i have other things to do then play this 24/7. not that i don't like this game, i love it. i come on whenever i can. but that isn't enough is it?
but larry has been playing it since ..... saying that he has alot of fights doesnt mean that he has been playing 24/7 you maybe play more than he does.

lmfao. I play more than larry? shut the fuck up now jackass. no one's that fucking lazy.
yacoob's a cutie pie
Skillz wrote:i fucked a girl while i had a cut on my dick from this 1 girls tooth....pretty painful.

lmao. that's sexy
why are you talking? you're here too larry. have been for 5 years.
you spelled percent wrong hunny.
i didn't mean to get you so moody. the words i type must really dig deep.

wanna fight me lol or do you think i "cheat" too much
he spent all day typing that....
i think everyone has more fights daily then you or fagny.
you've only been on here, what, 5 years? im sure you'd get bored of fighting 100 fights a day eventually.
i'll never be champion. neither will anyone else with a life.
i never meant to hurt you larry...
oh sexy larry, how in the world do you need a big brain to play this? you just need a lot of spare time like fagny or donny. or you for that matter.

unlike you, i have a job. i know, it's crazy isn't it? and i have other things to do then play this 24/7. not that i don't like this game, i love it. i come on whenever i can. but that isn't enough is it?
lmao ya right. i can't spend my whole life on this thing like you donny.
Forum Index » Profile for catfish2 » Messages posted by catfish2
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