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Messages posted by: Dark Destroyer
Forum Index » Profile for Dark Destroyer » Messages posted by Dark Destroyer
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Titan wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote: I wouldn't fight people like Phenom, john etc and duck against someone like you.

I would say i did not that bad winning the title and then lost it again in the rm (after i got two knockdowns in one round and got you in the red before the gong).
Dont Forget..i am rusty
I think its time to call Red Viper so he can retire you once more (hahaha).

You are good I acknowledge that, I was just pointing out that if I were to duck it would be against people better.

Red Viper retiring me? Are you serious? haha.

I stopped playing at a time when Fatny was destroying everyone, not to mention john coming through and Larry, HTF and Vargas were still fighting, so if anyone was going to make me retire it would have been those guys.

I stopped fighting as I was busy at the time and besides I suggest you check the H2H records out of me and Red Viper, or conversely stop relying on others to win your battles for you haha
So you make a thread praising me for fighting everyone, then bitch when I'm away from my keyboard. Chill out my friend.

If I was to duck (Which I never do) I wouldn't fight people like Phenom, john etc and duck against someone like you.
On the radar - Reaper.
Phenom wrote:I have the Captain America and Phenom that's it...
Dark Destroyer wrote:
Phenom wrote:To Nigel would I be in the top ten for highest KO Ratio with +2000 wins?

I would need to know your alts to find out...

You're in
Phenom wrote:To Nigel would I be in the top ten for highest KO Ratio with +2000 wins?

I would need to know your alts to find out...
Updated all statistics today.

John has now moved into 1st place on the 'Most Title Defences' category.

John moves into 2nd place on 'Most Title Fights' category.

Added Toosmooth's third account (Ken Norton) and he has now moved into 1st place on the 'Most Experienced Fighter' and 'Most Wins' categories.

Edder1234 moves into 3rd place in the most experienced fighter category.

Nigel Benn moves up to 6th place on the 'Most Title Wins' category.

Nigel Benn jumps from 10th to 6th on the 'Most Title Defences' category.

* Added Fernando Vargas to the Undisputed Champions and Superchamp categories.
johnbludger wrote:Update on: May 15

John is #1 on the most title defenses list passing up HTF.
Nigel Benn is #6 on the most title defenses lists passing up red Viper
Nigel Benn is #7 on the most title fights list passing up Reaper

'Team Reaper' could be one of the teams. Only one member though, that being Reaper as no one likes the goblin looking asshole.
catfish2 wrote:hey nigel I got a 64.9% ko ratio get my ass up there bitch. roflcopter

Updated the statistice page. Changed the KO ratio to reflect real boxing.
Pretty sure I've won more titles, defences etc...
johnbludger wrote:That's no excuse at all if you are defending against fighters that can't stop their lag. Boon lives in damn Bolivia, who wouldn't lag in that shit, but at least he had a fluent connection. And there's a big difference between someone who is lagging and someone who doesn't have a fluent connection like what I used to have on my wireless connection. Correct me if I am wrong.

Spot on.
sterlihalla wrote:
Dark Destroyer wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:i use to defend titles against boon, you have no excuse for ducking me besides a lucky right hand and no balls. it was more or less the server since my connection was fine earlier. You didnt even want to see if the connection between us had gotten better you just ran, better hope i dont get the belt again nigel otherwise youll be banned from shots nob, you have fallen into being a total noob now

Oh shut up. You're pathetic.

nice come back, you know your wrong and without no excuse, so fudge you nob!

No, I just don't want to argue with someone who looks and talks like a troll. I've said I can be stripped, it's not about 'running with the title', it was your horrible connection. Consider this discussion done 'nob'.
sterlihalla wrote:i use to defend titles against boon, you have no excuse for ducking me besides a lucky right hand and no balls. it was more or less the server since my connection was fine earlier. You didnt even want to see if the connection between us had gotten better you just ran, better hope i dont get the belt again nigel otherwise youll be banned from shots nob, you have fallen into being a total noob now

Oh shut up. You're pathetic.
Your connection is horrible, you wanted to be champ so bad you wanted a rematch when it froze for a minute at a time and took 30 minutes for 5 rounds?.

Sort your connection out buddy.
Forum Index » Profile for Dark Destroyer » Messages posted by Dark Destroyer
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