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Messages posted by: koscheck
Forum Index » Profile for koscheck » Messages posted by koscheck
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goldenboy88 wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:i know who u mean he ducks me alot and hes no jake lamotta

sorry to break it to you. your no Roy jones. nor diego corales. and not kelly pavlik. your some soft retired world of warcraft vet who couldnt pay for that game anymore so you came here. you talk shit about everyone else. yet your dumb as hell.

ahaha, its no biggie, i just like to make fun of him
he came online, what a shocker that was and fought me and of course he called me names and i beat him twice, so he is still out there which is kinda funny
good shot reaper
thanks eddie, yea everyone agrees with me, jake is absolutely retarded, he hardly wins, and hes probably one of the more easier fights on this game but then he logs off haha, hes a surpreme ducker
dude, emmj, lovin the rampage banner bro
nice dude, imagine the commercial for that like a UFC style commercial

This fight is regarded as bad blood as Josh Koscheck takes on bitter rival Jake Lamotta

Kos: I know he thinks he's a better fighter but when it comes time, i will show him

LaMotta: I like to duck people, thats my style, I hate fighting people I know I would lose to, its just not in me, dont make me fight somebody please, I just wanna hang back, and talk crap about people but I dont wanna fight them, no one said anything about fighting, I like to log off

that was pretty brutal, gf though
Jens Oso wrote:
koscheck wrote:aww that sucks man, hey, at least you can work on getting our names out there, hopefully when your ping gets better you will come back and we can have more fights again, but until then, i will focus more on chuteboxe and beating Jake LaMotta's ass

haha man kos i owned jake so bad that in our rm i toyed with him then countered his hook so perfectly haha he sux

haha, i think jake's everyones bitch in this game
Jens Oso wrote:jake sux hes not even worth it kos

when i fight him and beat him again, that will be worth everything man
sterlihalla wrote:i know who u mean he ducks me alot and hes no jake lamotta

my point exactly, dude ducks everyone, thnx for bringing that up reaper, yeah, hes no jake lamotta, he sucks
aww that sucks man, hey, at least you can work on getting our names out there, hopefully when your ping gets better you will come back and we can have more fights again, but until then, i will focus more on chuteboxe and beating Jake LaMotta's ass
c'mon jake, you say you can beat me, you always do even though you havent beaten me forever, you come online, talk shit, and then when i get back from a fight, you log off, everytime you log on and you see me in the room, you log off, fight me!, if you seriously wanna go on and talk shit, dont run like a *************** and then comeback and run your mouth, thats all you do, everytime you face me, you lose, but you still think for some reason that your better than everyone else, so, if you wanna fight me, we can go, it doesnt bother me, your an easy fight anyways
oops, i mean eddie
Forum Index » Profile for koscheck » Messages posted by koscheck
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