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Messages posted by: Boxme
Forum Index » Profile for Boxme » Messages posted by Boxme
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Anybody got one ?
Anybody got one ?
I was afraid of that. Thanks.
I get to a fight, accept it, and then it won't go. Do I need to do anything else?
When I get challenged, there is no accept button. What's going on?
Is this true, or do I need to download something? It seems like when the game was redone, I can't get it to work. What do I need to do to change this? Thank you.
I never downloaded the game in the first place...I don't think. I need to now?
I type my name and password in, and I can't log in anymore. I tried creating a new fighter, and that didn't work. It wouldn't let me create him. Is there anything I need to download to continue to play the game in the browser?
I see the style, letter grade, and active/retired status in some people's signatures. Are these self-appointed, or is it part of the message board?
Why were they taken away in the first place? Seems like every time I go away for a while, the stuff hits the fan.
sterlihalla wrote:doesnt work man server messed up

Thanks for telling me. I haven't been able to use my computer lately and I was looking forward to playing a little bit. Any word on when it will be up and running? How long has it been down?
When I go to it sends me to the forum page automatically, not the old main page with the rankings. When I go to, it doesn't work. What's going on here?
When I go to it sends me to the Forum main page. How do I get back to the regular room? What's going on with it? Going back to home page doesn't work.
BoXa wrote:
Boxme wrote:I have 400 some odd wins and nearly that many losses, but I guess I don't know how to fight. And here's why:

1. "gf...but you got lucky." It's frustrating knowing that my 400+ wins are almost all luck. I strung together lucky combos, got lucky when my opponent decided not to use defense, or scored a lucky UD where I won 8 out of 10 rounds. Damn my good luck! I'm too lucky for my own good.

2. "you're (excuse me, I mean "ur") a punk. you hook too much". That's because Mikkel gave me a secret fighter. MY fighter is the only one who can hook. Not only that, but there is NO DEFENSIVE measure which can protect from it! None whatsoever! The minute I throw my hook, its lights out.

3. "you only won because I changed my controls". Of course! After having a solid record of something like 1500-300-25 (1450 KO's), who wouldn't tamper with their controls? Can't having a lowly KO percentage of 96.667%, can you?

4. "Well I have a paper cut on my finger and can't defend etc." I understand completely. With such a severe injury, you were incredibly brave to have entered the ring. If I had known of your condition, I could have carried you for the sake of the audience before taking a dive in the last round.

5. "You're (oops, "ur") a pussy. You fought out of a corner". Of course, after my opponent swarmed me and drove me back, I wisely rope-a-doped, knowing that my opponent would run out of gas. Its so easy to fight out of a corner. Just put your hands up. Your opponet is done after that. It's a perfect model of Ali when he fought Foreman.

6. "You threw body shots." How foolish of me! I should have known how disrespectful it was for a fighter to throw body shots when an opponent leaves his body exposed. I had no idea that body shots were considered illegal blows in this game. I'll try to refrain from using them, as they are exclusive only to my fighter (as is the hook) and there is no defense to them.

Now that I have expressed the grievances heaped upon me, would someone please explain to me the proper way to play this game?


yeah,i love the sarcasm,the post me laugh.

u beat me last night TWICE,and yeah i reckon i could nail u when on form,but i made a point of going that it was NOT luck.

you fought like a true warrior

By all means, I know you can beat me. This was just in general. I wasn't knocking you or anything. We had a few good ones. Still gotta have that tie breaker though, we each have 2 wins. If you win, I say good fight, you got me. If I win, I hope you do the same. Good fighting.
I have 400 some odd wins and nearly that many losses, but I guess I don't know how to fight. And here's why:

1. "gf...but you got lucky." It's frustrating knowing that my 400+ wins are almost all luck. I strung together lucky combos, got lucky when my opponent decided not to use defense, or scored a lucky UD where I won 8 out of 10 rounds. Damn my good luck! I'm too lucky for my own good.

2. "you're (excuse me, I mean "ur") a punk. you hook too much". That's because Mikkel gave me a secret fighter. MY fighter is the only one who can hook. Not only that, but there is NO DEFENSIVE measure which can protect from it! None whatsoever! The minute I throw my hook, its lights out.

3. "you only won because I changed my controls". Of course! After having a solid record of something like 1500-300-25 (1450 KO's), who wouldn't tamper with their controls? Can't having a lowly KO percentage of 96.667%, can you?

4. "Well I have a paper cut on my finger and can't defend etc." I understand completely. With such a severe injury, you were incredibly brave to have entered the ring. If I had known of your condition, I could have carried you for the sake of the audience before taking a dive in the last round.

5. "You're (oops, "ur") a pussy. You fought out of a corner". Of course, after my opponent swarmed me and drove me back, I wisely rope-a-doped, knowing that my opponent would run out of gas. Its so easy to fight out of a corner. Just put your hands up. Your opponet is done after that. It's a perfect model of Ali when he fought Foreman.

6. "You threw body shots." How foolish of me! I should have known how disrespectful it was for a fighter to throw body shots when an opponent leaves his body exposed. I had no idea that body shots were considered illegal blows in this game. I'll try to refrain from using them, as they are exclusive only to my fighter (as is the hook) and there is no defense to them.

Now that I have expressed the grievances heaped upon me, would someone please explain to me the proper way to play this game?

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