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Messages posted by: Machine Gun Kelly
Forum Index » Profile for Machine Gun Kelly » Messages posted by Machine Gun Kelly
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i agree with you fierce its time people on OB lead the way to a resurgence of OB hopefully make it more populated than it ever has been thus far. I've been talking to some people online and a good way to start things off with out singeplayer, and big variety of different skilled players all the time would be hard but thinking back to basics why not gyms. It seemed like back in the day the gyms got people to stay around OB. It also helped train newer fighters, uprising stars, and set up tournaments which made the whole thing better and more fun. I think OB Has lost its community if it keeps going the way it is with retirements and what not it will turn into a ghost town
CaptainAmerica wrote:
Those are just from my game yesterday I couldn't find my other ones from my past 7 games I have alot this year lol


thumbs up to boston sports
Mr.Goat wrote:This is such a good idea.

This game would be huge. Wow.

Do it!!

yes its a great idea just gotta look up facebook app making comps been down almost a week now due to crazy snow storm -__-
Titan wrote:stop making mikkel that confused. He better concentrates on updating the game here on PC instead of mobile phones etc.
Just if the players he gets on the mobile are also appearing here on the PC-version this is a good idea. If two different games are the result i dont see how it helps this version here.

Facebook is a lot simpler and less complex than adding a game to mobile apps. All the games you see on Facebook were just shitty games people had already made and uploaded/added it to facebook. Seeing some of these game and just to think 2d OB could and would blow all those games outta the water without any change. Its obviously just a suggestion would be a something that could take a long time or might not even be possible in the long run..
Dick E. Boon wrote:Fatny help Mikkel getting the right contacts for the deal you propose. You are the expert in the area. Tell him who to contact.

good input Richard
I was thinking about it, and looked at how many games/apps they have on facebook. The number of games increase everyday, which is where i thought why not put in for onlineboxing on facebook. It could bring in 100's to 1000's of players. Btw not on same topic now but someone should make a poll on bringing back singleplayer/1player
i totally agree about bringing back practice mode it would help a lot for new comers, uprising boxers, and even legends. Beyond that I still gotta give props to mikkel for keeping this game going all this time and all the hard work hes put into not just 2d, but 3D as well thank you. I think its time OB gets serious create and unite some chemistry for the games sake. And overtime we should all do our own part to help resurect online boxing again and make the game well known and liked across the world and the world wide web.
is this tournament even gonna happen anymore or what?
oneshot wrote:I know I am not alone when I say that often when I want to play no one is on. A few years back there was a one player mode where you could fight your way up 20 or so ranks and win the title. It was a valuable tool to work on your skills. For new players it also gives them a chance to get their feet wet without having to take 130 losses before they get a win.

I agree its hard for new users attracted to OB to be able to get better playing more experienced boxers that are way over matched. Im my opinion i strongly believe itd attract new people to OB over time and keep people playing on a consistant basis..
The Great Yacoob wrote:THis is it for me. No more coming back i will never return here again. I would like to be voted into the hall of fame. But i'm sure i won't out of jealousy amongst peers. Anyhow The Great Yacoob hangs up his gloves. Peace.

good for you noone gives a fuck goodbye
wtf lol
Tyrant wrote:17 Time Boxing Champ

Heeeeey. What's good man?

hey not much same old, whats up tyrant long long time no talk lol.. How have you been? hopefully i see you online sometime soon been dead everytime im on basically.. take it easy bro
I read all the steps, tried reading comments to compared problems i had got through most of them thankfully. Now when i log into multiplayer in 3D it says your p2p server at port 1101* is not reachable from the outside* i checked my firewall shut it off, allowed the program through firewall. When i try to challenge someone or the CPU to start a fight it just keeps loading like i did something wrong or something.. if someone could help me out it would be well appreciated.. thanks for your time

been a long time sense i been on here atleast 4-6 years lol use to be known as 17 time or Murder Inc. back to see how the games going, glad to see its still running better than ever.. Props to Mikkel on doing such a good job with this putting in your time and effort thanks. Had a quick question their must be no more practice mode ive noticed lol clearly its been a long time what happened with that? jc
Forum Index » Profile for Machine Gun Kelly » Messages posted by Machine Gun Kelly
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