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Messages posted by: Inimicis
Forum Index » Profile for Inimicis » Messages posted by Inimicis
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Is this still a pay to play game? I can't find the pay section of my account.

Surj wrote:
Inimicis wrote:Nice to see things have picked up. I have been gone for a while (about a year) and I will occasionally be on for a fight or 2. I had to reconnect my DSL so I am having conection problems at the minute, but it will sort itself out soon. I'm here to have some fun, I was never a world beater anyhow (although I did give some a run for their money

See you in the ring.

Inimicis aka Emmanuel Augustus.

are you the manny that went to iraq? if so wb if not i dont know who u r

There has only been one Augusuts here to my knowledge. I'm the right guy Surj, good to see you still fighting.
Nice to see things have picked up. I have been gone for a while (about a year) and I will occasionally be on for a fight or 2. I had to reconnect my DSL so I am having conection problems at the minute, but it will sort itself out soon. I'm here to have some fun, I was never a world beater anyhow (although I did give some a run for their money

See you in the ring.

Inimicis aka Emmanuel Augustus.
Forum Index » Profile for Inimicis » Messages posted by Inimicis
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