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Messages posted by: P4P Baddest
Forum Index » Profile for P4P Baddest » Messages posted by P4P Baddest
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sb wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:
Donny_king wrote:

Agreed that the retards just want some attention, it's sad isn't it that they have nothing better to do. I mean really wtf, maybe I'm a dumb f@cker and I just don't get what they get out of it.

I guess they will never understand that they are nothing special or original, they have always been around and always will be around talking the same old shit and acting the same idiotic way. They are what us mancs would call "muppets" and when one leaves another will take his place.

They have no life and nobody likes them so acting like retards is their way of getting the attension nobody would EVER give them in life.

The only thing a blacklist does is make them happier about getting the attension they already have and they get some more.
lmfao its kinda funny u say that, casue ur one of them

one of "them"? you mean one of YOU
sb wrote:
Ray Johnson wrote:
Donny_king wrote:

Agreed that the retards just want some attention, it's sad isn't it that they have nothing better to do. I mean really wtf, maybe I'm a dumb f@cker and I just don't get what they get out of it.

I guess they will never understand that they are nothing special or original, they have always been around and always will be around talking the same old shit and acting the same idiotic way. They are what us mancs would call "muppets" and when one leaves another will take his place.

They have no life and nobody likes them so acting like retards is their way of getting the attension nobody would EVER give them in life.

The only thing a blacklist does is make them happier about getting the attension they already have and they get some more.
lmfao its kinda funny u say that, casue ur one of them

one of "them"? you mean one of YOU
And a guy named WARRIOR, psss what kind of a warrior gets a lucky win and doesnt rematch you? Those duckers are a disgrace for OB,

If i have time, I fight anybody that is online, wtf is it with these people, its a game, whats wrong with losing, you dont have to rush off after you get lucky.

Forum Index » Profile for P4P Baddest » Messages posted by P4P Baddest
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