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Messages posted by: Mikkel
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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no ? Ok will try to manage without the help of usual.
They are all stripped now
Always been like that. You see the past through rose colored glasses
And btw if anyone can do it, my paypal id is
I need to pay 101 euro for the next 6 months. Already have 50$ from catfish (thanks). I'm broke more or less and my creditcard payment will bounce. And they will close the server.

Heres the bill (in german).

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Sehr geehrte Kundin,
Sehr geehrter Kunde,

Ihre aktuelle Rechnung für Ihre Kundennummer 304674
(Herr Mikkel Petersen) vom 03.01.2013 steht für Sie auf bereit.

Loggen Sie sich einfach mit Ihren persönlichen KIS-Zugangsdaten ein und
schon haben Sie Zugriff auf Ihre aktuelle Rechnung und können auch
Rechnungen der vergangenen Monate einsehen.

Der sofort fällige Gesamtbetrag von 101,94 EUR wird Ihrer Kreditkarte in Kürze belastet.

Ihre Rechnung liegt im PDF-Format vor. Um sich die Rechnung anschauen
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Host Europe GmbH
Lets hope OB will rise from the ashes.
ROFL ! He has no chance ill let him live a littler longer, just for fun.
I'll let it live for a while
Thank you, Floyd
Good idea I will sign up
And that is enteristing why ?
I have a much better clip, an awsome one, epic !!!
Its paypal..forgot to insert it, paypal id is
Thanks to Catfish for donating. I think I should start a thread where everyone who donated to OB should be listed. If anyone else wants to get on the list, simple donate to paypal id So far..

Catfish (50$)
Tigeruppercut (20$)
Boon & Redneck (redneck also gigaspam) (50$)
John (30$)
Ray (with :thumbup)
surj ($150)
I know there were more very long time ago let me know..

Surj added with $115 (25-1-13)

Im not sure but I found an interesting article about it here
Titan wrote:thats cool mikkel. Show this fucking bots hell. Damn..i got so much work on my rampage 4 years ago. And this bots do that shit in seconds...

Yes you are not a good spambot.
Forum Index » Profile for Mikkel » Messages posted by Mikkel
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