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Messages posted by: Ray Johnson
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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Nobody cares about titles other then OBC, OBW etc. Nonetheless it would be good to get a title but i doubt Mikkel will vacate it.
I didn't make it. Type any name in and it works.
Anyway, lol. It is messed up and I am proud to be the person that insults dead people!
lmao! he got owned!
I think that he has actually left now..
When ppl join, the ranking is changed and you might fight someone else.

9 people of 16 on 16 Mar 07
Bye Dude
OB ID: Boxa
Times(s) Available: 10-11pm (GMT)

OB ID: Black Bear
Time(s) Available: (GMT)
Weekdays: After 4pm
Weekends: Any
Surj wrote:perfect example Mikkel. look at all these dumbasses on the forum and game. you gotta put your foot down bro.

if you're talking to me i already apologized to USA lol
Yacoob, USA tourney is coming up. This forum is for the EU tournament.

Surj, we're trying to avoid the EU tourney from becoming a noobfest. Boxa has come (who is awsome) and catfish (who is probably good). And, you wanted to sign up for the USA tourney which isn't this so you won't come anyway..
kk i'm not stings like a bee, he has entered just now.
Stings like a bee has joined.
Is this for the EU tournament or the USA tournament or both?
I am restarting the brackets
Oscar wrote:fact is "repper" isnt even a word whereas Reaper is

These guys can't spell, lol.
During a game in singleplayer, if you click "Stop Fight" then click "Cancel", the keys will jam (They will be held down without being pressed).

The way to solve this is to click "Pause" then "Continue" and it will go back to normal.

Not really much of a problem, but it's strange so i had a solution but it should still be fixed unless it's something to do with Java.

Web Version: Problem
App Version: No problem
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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