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Messages posted by: Ray Johnson
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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Class A should be HOF'ers + Fatny.

Jigsaw, i think me and u r high class C's. Give it a month or two we'll be Class B no problem.
Of course there are noobs. It's not like you have to fight them, just wait for a bit and a good player will come. That's no reason to retire.
Ya i check every so often 2 see if he's there or not. He has 4 titles and has defended them so many times and he has the ability to hold these titles for ages. what does he haf 2 do to get into HOF?? the only thing i can think of is become superchamp 4 times over so that u can realise he owns! If getting into HOF is this hard, it may be years before u get another HOF'er. u should put Fatny into HOF or nobody will ever want 2 be in HOF ever again.
I am almost definately a Class C fighter. I stand a chance against class B fighters and i can own Class D fighters for sure.
Oscar wrote:Cmon people start arranging those fights

K i will fight CTM weneva i have the chance. i don't no where he is tho. :S
I'll never quit m8. But yea, i agree. Everyone that makes Online Boxing what it is, is leaving / quitting. it sucks bad.
Mexican wtf does that mean? lol
ShockandAwe wrote:top newby = ME

You have an unusually sized ego for a beginner. Cool it m8.
You should have stayed as SB. Now u will be memorized as TheProblem of OB which is exactly what u r anyway.

Mite not b able 2 make ur leaving party or wateva its in 49 mins i'll try n stay for that long but i doubt it u'll know if i'm ther or not but just incase i can't come:

You are the most annoying bastard i have ever come accross and that was what made you so popular! No clue how you managed to stay in OB but it's good to know you're not like that in RL.

gl in the future and i hope u piss off other people in other games
Bye dude.
Fatny wrote:it's that Ray Johnson gets a kick out of reviving old threads to start laughing about dead people

Some people find jokes and comedy shows funny, but for Ray it's the evening news when they describe deaths and accidents, that's where he commence having fun and laughing his ass off

Lol, you all thought it was a new thread. Yea i do actually Fatny. Jokes aren't really funny if you've noticed.
BoXa wrote:Offence - doesnt have to be who throws the most punches. It's the person who has a high hit percentage and is most effective which is why i say Larry Holmes, Unstoppable, Sugarray, Red Viper and Here to Fight.

Defence- Hard one and you probably disagree but i think Tyrant, Muhammad Ali and Couture have tricky defences.

is the most improved (over the last 4 months) - its hard to say but i think maybe theboss, namasuki - u all have a better idea.

smartest boxer - loads of smart boxers - Larry Holmes, Tyrant,Don (when in slick mode) , Cynic, Couture, Muhammad Ali, vargas, the sniper, here to fight,sugarray .... etc

best brawler - tough one, red vipers gotta be in there, here to fight, nigel benn,unstoppable, cynic also

fastest - here to fight, cynic , unstoppable, sugarray

theres probably a ton ive missed out and u may disagree, but im interested in your opinions.

also bare in mind that i havent seen all the fighters on here. For example ive heard good things of M.A.Barrera but i havent seen the dude. lol

Now its your turn...

BoXa wrote:most improved (over the last 4 months) - its hard to say but i think maybe theboss

It's a shame he's dead now lol
hmm luck yes.. skill more like it
I'll give you one here:

Ray Johnson KO10 Black Bear

I was losing the whole time and came back with a set of punches that KO'd him instantly.
I will definately miss you a lot, lol.

You are the only one that has truely pissed off the community! The others are just cheap attempts at being you and they aren't any fun.

If it helps, good luck in the real world, I really hope you make friends there. I will just continue to live off ob as you say I will. GL and HF!
Larry Holmes wrote:Ray Johnson I really thought you had a little more sense than getting involved in flame wars like this, seeing what levels the arguments has sunk to right now is amazing. When looking at your last threads and their last threads theres no telling the difference between you and them. Ignore them plain and simple dont you realise they will never stop ?

Yes, i realise. The thing is.... it's fun! lol. But i see where you're coming from I will try to ignore these people now.
Forum Index » Profile for Ray Johnson » Messages posted by Ray Johnson
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