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Messages posted by: sandy1
Forum Index » Profile for sandy1 » Messages posted by sandy1
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We need to some new nubs to start playing OB so Dream Kid can squish them and get his confidence up.
I counted four punches before the KO minus the glove touch-up. Faster would have to be less than four which is doable so I believe you. That rubbish comment was beeewlllshiaaattt though.

Re: Ray the funny guy with people that love him

Yea you're right this is funny:

Paul Dion wrote:Ray = LEGEND!!!

What you mean?
Was a simple question, even a yes or no question to make it easy on ya. But I see the forum whores and trolls are going to shit up this thread anyway...oh my e-honor.

I need your advice? Now that's delusional.

Was a quick KO for damn sure. Max for HOF!!!

Don't think I've seen one this fast:

Wonder how many HOFers are still fighting (but with different toons perhaps)?

Some say AmJustWatching/Lion King/...+ few other names is Lab but not sure there are other HOFers still fighting.

Forum Index » Profile for sandy1 » Messages posted by sandy1
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