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Messages posted by: The Legend
Forum Index » Profile for The Legend » Messages posted by The Legend
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Clinching is very well implemented please do not nerft it too much. Clinch boxing should be possible as it is in real life.
I really do like it a LOT. It is major fun.

Me and Winky dominate
You need latest Java. 1.5 was not good enough. It caused out of synch issues when I first tried 3D.
Well sorry to tell you this but I already lost the title although I never got my RM However if you are after the belt then you got long hard road ahead of you judging from the fact that I TKOed you in the first round (no offence meant). It's a whole new world in OB improved and all. People have upped their skills. Welcome back!!!!!
Umm no I am here. The client just crashed. Vista does not get along with java and flash games too well. Anyway talk about getting saved by the bell. Quite a beating you took there . I have never seen anyone with both health bars on total black Well now I have

Chasing you around the ring was actually fun. Nice counterpunching strategy not initiating actual attacks of your own. Did not really work though as I had you outboxed and knew I had already won the match by the last round but did not want a point victory in a regular match so I kind of thought what the heck lets go for it. Obviously not a good idea since you got split dec.

Note to self: learn to accept point victories too

Anyway gf and congrats on fighting your hearth out and surviving to split decision.
Anyone know if one can install the physics engine and then just move the folder where it is installed to other computer or does the install also mess with system registery and such?

I dont have admin rights here at University preventing me from actually installing the physics engine.

Chopper next time dont log off in middle of match after you get totally outboxed, schooled and eventually floored with all on red. That's rude. Take your beating like a man.

Though it was nice that for once your connection was not skipping line hell like it usually does. Now it was nice and fluid making it possible to pull combos.
Torito was kind enough to offer me a title shot and I gladly accepted. We fought long and hard and I managed to win but it was not easy. After that we did immediate RM. Yet another good tough match but I managed to get a TKO.

New OBW Champion - The Legend

Torito is very good and I am sure he will get more titles and get his revenge on me later.

Now Larry Holmes and Black Bear stay away from me

*starts running*

(just a joke in case some of you lack sense of humour)
"hwat? are you an idiot? Unification rules have been here for the longest time. Reaper did not make them up."

No I am not but Reaper is. Unification rules may be this and that but those rules have nothing to do with this. It's just a plot from Reaper to cheat his way to title.

See Squeezed Head was the champ. Now he lost the title to some boxer using nick Head. So Reaper claims Head is alt of squeezed head. Now this would mean Squeezed Head boxed his own alt in multiple title matches. That's kind of big no no and I really dont think he would do it.

So then this mysterious Head guy supposedly set's up a title match involving... suprise suprise... Reaper and then this whole thing is announced by none other than... Reaper (and why would Squeezed Head not have announced it himself if it really was him behind this...).

It looks kind of fishy, does it not?
"some legend u are u got knocked out"

Yes congrats on freeze Koing me. It's not like you are not known on resorting to shit like that...

Yeah right. You ducked me as usual. Then when you all of sudden sent me a challenge I knew something was up. You have been ducking me and even made a post announcing that you would not box me. I hesitated to accept as I was sure something fishy is going on now that all of sudden you actually want a match yourself. I accepted anyway and boy was I right. Match started and it was going ok. As usual you were spamming a lot losing too much stamina. I casually boxed making you go red and keeping you in check while waiting you to waste your stamina which would have resulted in you getting KTFO later in the match as usual.

Then suddenly it started skipping bad and eventually froze. I was so sure something like this would happen even before the match because this is excatly the kind of stuff you are know for and boy was I right. Nice going freeze KOing me. You just can not win a fair match and have to resort to shit like this.

Btw. this is excatly how the you got your bad repuation in the first place. For example I used to beat you bad and then when you finally "won" against me you celebrated like winning the olympics despite it being as a result of match frozing for me and you freeze koing me. Nice to see that you and your lame ways have not changed a bit.

Well ok you got your "win" via freeze koing me. That's like the only way you can beat me anyway. As far as you not being in my class goes... Yeah you are right. I am far better than you are and FACTS really prove that to be the case. You really can not argue with facts. You have like 5-7 "wins" (or some other low number) against me and at least 4 of those are via freeze koing. The score is massively lopsided in my favour. I have something between 50 -100 or even more win against you. I can not even be bothered to count as the excat number does not even matter when you can not even come close to that. I used to KO you, then I continued to KO when you thought I could no longer do it to you (and then I proceeded to KO you 16 times in a row making you log off and quit for while. Remember the time when you challenged to prove my claim that I can beat you 99 times out of 100... LOL boy you got schooled bad.). It got so bad that I even had to start making alts and continue schooling you using alts as you plain out refused to box against me (my main) as you knew you had no change in hell and you also could not handle losing as I would laught at you. Basically nothing has really changed as you can see from this recent match that you did not froze (as you did not know it was me you asshole. Other than taht you would have frozen it as usual.):

That's a good recent example how matches between you and I usually go, used to and still go.

Btw. Philly and Garffy (or whatever his nick is) do that excat same freezing shit that you do. Garff even got recently banned and stripped for it. It really beats me how you guys do it and it is mind boggling how Garr was banned fo this excat same shit that you do but you are allowed to contiune doing it.
So let's see:

1. You are given a title match for the OBF title

2. You win the match

3. and then you REFUSE to give the champ his RM

ok so that makes you.. nothing but paper champ.


"unstoppable isnt a nob and squeezed head isnt so u got that wrong maybe u was on the wrong reaper.
Also joel isnt rearly a nob hes jus rusty and juan diaz is gd to"

1. Like Ray said you lost to Squeezed head

2. Joel? and your point is... what?

- Joel is not top fighter like Black Bear etc. are (no offence mean as maybein future you will be) so ofcource you wont duck him as you duck top fighters only.

3. Juan Diaz? and your point is... what?

- Juan Diaz is not top fighter (no offence mean as maybein future you will be) like Black Bear etc are so ofcource you wont duck him as you duck top fighters only.

4. Unstoppable is a not a noob or weak fighter but you yourself have been shouting all over the chat for last two week how Unstoppable is on major decline, has lost his skills and is hardly ever on. Sooooo which is it?
Black Bear is more than correct. Reaper should get stripped as soon as possible because simply put what he is doing is in no way acceptable.

I have been personally kind of monitoring this situation for the duration of this weekend. Due to coming exams I had to stay home and study. Whole another care is that I took these breaks from studying to play OB

Now I first noticed that Reaper is trying to pull something strange last friday. He was online practically all the time boxing fighters that pose no danger to him. When Black Bear, me and few others of high quality logged on he multiple times refused to accept any of our challenges making excuses and THEN right after that boxing some middle class fighters (no offence meant). He continued ducking anyone really good for the whole evening. I eventually went to bed.

When I woke up the next morning and logged on I noticed that Reaper is still on (does he not sleep? is he online 24/7?). Reaper ofcource chose to duck me and avoided my challenges. Then when I eventually lost a match against some guy and lost enough point to my rank go to over 20 he said he would like to give me title shot. Well I replyed ok and got my points and rank back BUT the second he saw that he changed his mind refusing to box me and ducked me. Ofcouce Black Bear and few others who are really good logged on but Reaper ducked them all choosing to box only people who pose no threath to him. This continued for WHOLE saturday.

When it comes to Sunday he just continued ducking Black Bear etc. Ofcource he was ready to box me, black bear etc. in TOURNAMENT room and ONLY in tournament room but when it came to actually defend his title he continued ducking. Needless to say I laughed at his offer ro box in tournament room and told him to man up and actually defend his title.

Now I am going to reply to Reaper. You can say whatever you want, you can claim whatever you want but NOTHING is going to change the facts so lets go over the FACTS!:

this is the reason why you are NOT boxing Black Bear etc. in title matches: 2007-11-11 Black Bear dn KOby10 Lost OBC title

This is what your actualy title defense record looks like:

2007-11-17 ye man stefanhill TKO3 Retained OBW title
2007-11-17 Die Faust Die Faust KO4 Retained OBW title
2007-11-17 Die Faust Die Faust TKO2 Retained OBW title
2007-11-17 Die Faust Die Faust TKO1 Retained OBW title
2007-11-17 Stefan Hill hullboys07 TKO2 Retained OBW title
2007-11-17 Stefan Hill hullboys07 TKO4 Retained OBW title

so you have done nothing but boxed middle class boxers. In fact you have obviously been ducking every high class fighter.

For the last two weeks you have gone over and over again in the chat how you feel that Unstoppable is way past his peak and is losing to everyone now and that he is not good anymore. You have REALLy been pushing it and trash talking about Unstoppable a lot. Now all of sudden just because you won against him and you desperately need to defend your titles you change your mind and think he is on top of his game and whatever. This is just too obvious Reaper. YOu need tyo try harder. No one is buying your BS.

"I dont give u a shot today cause of my keyboard and i was complaining about it yesturday."

Yeah right. Your list of excuses is endless.

Y"ou wont get a shot again because of this thread if you had a title you wudnet make it your jus being a noob."

So ok now you have yet again new excuse to duck Black Bear.

"P.S you been playin for years and aint achieved as much as me dont be all pissy it only took me 6 months to get 5 titles 25 defenses in 3 divisions and currently a unified champ."

Now what excatly have you achieved? Basically you have achieved nothing. You freeze koed, point hugged etc. yourr way into getting a title or two and then did not even RM the former champ. I would say that's BSing your way into things and not achieving. Now regarding the play time. You used to rant two month ago about how you have only played this game for 6 months. Now since that was two months ago it measn you have now played 8 months. Something about this just does not add up. Does time no go by when it comes to you or are you just stupid? Which is it?

Even this is not all yet. Now a person can join OB, play few matches every now and then as time goes by and have fun. That's normal. Now then there is you. You are a guy who has played for 6 to 10 months and in this time you have already managed to rack up as many matches as people who have played this game for two years.


I MEAN WTF!!! How an earth can you manage to rack up as many matches in MUCH shorter time than people who have been playing this game for YEARS? There is only one possible explanation. You spend all your free time on this game. Actually you must spend all your time playing this game. You have no life whatsoever. Wait no! Actually this game is your life.

That's so sad man. You really do need to get a life.

OB is very good game but it is just a game. A game is something you do just for the fun of it every now and then. You take this game way too seriously and that is propably because this game has become your whole life just like World Of Warcraft becomes focal point of some peoples who life.
Widow maker lays down the law and is so correct.
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