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Messages posted by: Tyrant
Forum Index » Profile for Tyrant » Messages posted by Tyrant
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Boxing was always my favorite part. Even vs the sluggers and spammers. I'd lose some and win some. But what was most fun to me was trying hard to win with the style that I enjoyed fighting. Not just winning. I always liked to see whether my boxing-counter punching style could work vs anybody.
Happy New Year to you all! W00t! W00t!


Hah, I love those.
Some may give you a hard time john, but thanks for keeping up with this.

Putting together official statistics is nice and A LOT of work. So the time and effort you've made into putting this together and keeping up with it is much appreciated.
I always prefer touching gloves in the center of the ring to know that my opponent is with me out of respect. Some may not respect by touching gloves, however they at least show movement. If they don't move, I usually wait for a round.

If they still don't show movement or they don't close out, I will leave. Though I have been tricked to where I leave, THEN they come alive and knock me out.

However at least try to be respectful first.
Hey Mikkel,

1) If you can give me the specs/dimensions for the background, I can make a new audience background.

2) I can make an official OB logo to go on the ring canvas

3) If you want, I can get some new sound effects to replace the current punch, crowd, Michael Buffer, etc

Just to do a couple of graphical/audible adjustments to help bring the look of the game to 2010.

Let me know. I'd be happy to.
Nice. What's up Unstoppy
Tyrant is in
It's still planned to take place. Just waiting for more interest.
Yo what's up guys. To bring some official life back into OB, I am interested in participating in a major 2010 kickoff tournament. I am even thinking that if it has to go beyond 8 and up to 16 players, then so be it.

Who is interested?

Here are some brackets for a couple of previous tournaments. Not all finished.

As you can see, many never complete. Some do, so we need to follow it through.

What do you guys say? Old vets, HOFers, new greats, new up and comers? Lets do it again and have fun with it! Forget game changes, control changes, "I don't have it anymore" Lets start 2010 off for OB with a bang!


Contracted so far:

Red Viper
Dick E. Boon 2
Here To Fight


EDDIE54...So playing the game and posting "you have no life" to someone you don't know over the internet forums means you have a life? lol

Anyway, thanks johnbludger.
Guys it a bit more upkeep than that. I am sure he appreciates the offer, but it is consistent money.

Thanks Mikkel for all of your work, service and dollars put into making us happy for the past several years of our adolescent lives.

Do what you have to do man. Live!

You guys should be professional journalists.
Study for tests a little bit at a time. Don't try to "study for the test" all at once. If today is Thursday and the test is monday, study some today, a section tomorrow, another section Saturday, recap Sunday, then ace it Monday...

the biggest problem comes when students feel they need to tackle EVERYTHING in one study session. Split it up so that you can comprehend the sections you study. Then recap/personal quiz the day prior.
Forum Index » Profile for Tyrant » Messages posted by Tyrant
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