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Messages posted by: KUSH
Forum Index » Profile for KUSH » Messages posted by KUSH
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Its me Vicious wrote:Lol I honestly can't say that I didn't laugh at that. You're a good chap, you get the special finger treatment tonight sonny.

You didn't laugh? What was the LOL then? See ya around vic let me know if u want one of these straps ill let ya have em.
Due to repeated blows to the head its time for me to step down.. I would never do any thing to hurt the sport of onlineboxing and id like to thank the world of onlineboxing. The damage 2 the brain has caused me some issues in my personal life.

For example a guy yelled look at me I am a redneck and I ran over there and pushed him over a fence and yelled heres your sausage then attempted to bang him in his ass. I then shook my head and stopped and it came 2 me it was not the REDNECK from the world of onlineboxing.

Now that my career in onlineboxing is over I will focus on OB3D. Most of these faggots and pussies here cry about OB3D but that's because their mind is simple and OB3D is much more complex.. Faggot lil boys and people who are one tracked MINDED should stay here on OB2D.. That also goes for people who make 1 accomplishment and feel the need to document that shit WINK WINK you all know who I am talking about.

I'd like to thank Mikkel for the years of fun and if I could Id buy you a house. SEE U ON OB3D PEACE THE FUCK OUT AND WORD TO YO MOTHER
Fierce1 wrote:Well I think that you're all a group of bums.

And judging by how you fight you are the # 1 bum of them all.
Redneck wrote:Hey Maxie,

thats bad News that you will never come back to this game. I always respected you as a good Player with a nice character. I will miss you old fighter.
I dont Play this game, too. But i will always make a stop here to see if mikkel Comes out of his Resignation and give OB2D the work and Attention it deserves.
At the Moment i think he is sleeping the 1000year sleep of an MummyLOL...
Anyway, i wish you well and a good life my friend!

OB2D doesn't deserve shit.. Why the fuck would any one wanna put time and effort into a game where the players are fucking cry babies who always bitch in complain. FUCK OFF
Where the fuck is every one.. Where u at JOHN.. I AM GONNA EAT UR HEART PRAISE B LMAO
Fierce1 wrote:
KUSH wrote:
Fierce1 wrote:1. My mum
2. Your Dad
3. His Dad
4. His Uncle
5. His Dad's Uncle
6. His Dad's Uncle's Son
7. His Uncle's Son
8. His Cunt
10. You Cunt

You are a fucking failure you fucking wanker.

10. You Cunt

Again you fucking fail... Fucking horse shit.
No one sucks more cock n balls then your mom and sister bitch. Bought to drop the sex tape me and your mom and sister made
Fierce1 wrote:1. My mum
2. Your Dad
3. His Dad
4. His Uncle
5. His Dad's Uncle
6. His Dad's Uncle's Son
7. His Uncle's Son
8. His Cunt
10. You Cunt

You are a fucking failure you fucking wanker.
First off should have scrolled up and took a pic where the convo started. Second you are a young cock sucker. I get sick and tired of young blacks that have no idea what the word NIGGER means using it as a excuse to get pissed at some one when they use it. If I was racist I guess I am against my own color you dumb fuck.

You know nothing about your past or your ancestors so do your self a favor and shut the fuck up. Now kindly hop off my nuts. Thanks.
John has been back a bit so he takes back number 1 spot

I don't know about a top 10 but id put u top 3 CA
Who gives a fuck that john beat me twice? It was 200+ ping there for we decided not to fight for a title no one cares. Your just butt hurt because I flat out wont fight you EVER.

I already told you why! your a cheat,you try to lag fights,freeze fights etc. So like I said stop sucking on my ball sack man. You gotta be gay because your the only one complaining and on my cock like flies on shit.
down down down
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:
Phenom wrote:The inactivity level is crazy on this game. I've been online at random 1/2 hour spurts and no one even comes online. I think OB is slowly bleeding out people.

Ive logged in several times through out the day and if no one is there I click out I can't waste time waiting around.

you came online and got your ass beat by john! twice, what is your streak -2 mofo. paper champ cudnt defend against john. Eat ur yacoob flakes fagget

Your a fucking idiot.. John is probably the second or third best fighter ever in the game.. Losing to him means nothing.. Second fight I was ahead on all cards and damn near knocked him out a few times. Ask John who gives him his toughest fights today and it certainly isnt you faggot.

If your gonna troll get some facts man things that are gonna hold up

Now pull my balls out of your mouth and focus some where else..

Everything i said was true mofo. you would of lost your belt if you had of defended fact. You havent fought me and you wont so shut your yacoob flakes you stupid kid fagget, dont talk smack about me not fighting you when you decline a challenge mofo.

We agreed not for a title fight because the ping was pushing 300.. learn facts home slice. U wanna know why I don't fight you... You honestly easy fight but because your a disrespectful piece of trash that will cheat,freeze,lag,and run.... 2 me I don't give a fuck about giving a title shot to a bitch like that. Every time I have fought you made excuses and I smashed you. I done more in this game then you could ever dream of 1 nut mcgee.
sterlihalla wrote:
KUSH wrote:
Phenom wrote:The inactivity level is crazy on this game. I've been online at random 1/2 hour spurts and no one even comes online. I think OB is slowly bleeding out people.

Ive logged in several times through out the day and if no one is there I click out I can't waste time waiting around.

you came online and got your ass beat by john! twice, what is your streak -2 mofo. paper champ cudnt defend against john. Eat ur yacoob flakes fagget

Your a fucking idiot.. John is probably the second or third best fighter ever in the game.. Losing to him means nothing.. Second fight I was ahead on all cards and damn near knocked him out a few times. Ask John who gives him his toughest fights today and it certainly isnt you faggot.

If your gonna troll get some facts man things that are gonna hold up

Now pull my balls out of your mouth and focus some where else..
Forum Index » Profile for KUSH » Messages posted by KUSH
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