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Messages posted by: Amir_Khan
Forum Index » Profile for Amir_Khan » Messages posted by Amir_Khan
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Dark Destroyer wrote:
Amir_Khan wrote:1 win out of 4 fights today Nigel, Congrats, Keep it up!

Yup, after me still being ahead by at least 30 wins, keep it up and you might catch up by the end of the year and then you can get even more excited. I'm flattered, honestly.

yeah of course, your a HOF'er for a reason i expect you to beat me lol but your not unbeatable and i proved that today! Its a honor for me to have knocked your ass to the floor lol
1 win out of 4 fights today Nigel, Congrats, Keep it up!
1st Fight - TKO Round 9

2nd Fight - KO Round 3

3rd Fight - TKO Round 10

Nigel Benn wasn't very happy.. Tried to mock me by doing the chicken dance... Then POW!

King khan is on the up!

Forum Index » Profile for Amir_Khan » Messages posted by Amir_Khan
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