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Messages posted by: mike watson
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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now my personal thoughts are...that lewis is to big and to busy for marciano.where as all of marciano's opposition were either blown up light heavies or small/tiny heavywieghts

not one of his championship fights did he fight anyone as big as lennox...nowhere near lennox's hieght ans wieght reach and just size in overall.

rocky with his stamina and great workrate and all action style was amazing against small or less experienced fighters.
i have seen walcott outboxing him until he was planted with a killer right hand.

also maricnao's power is very very overated i think he hit hard but not becuase his body produced alot of power but the shear amount of punches one of them were going to hit. and another was coming right after that. so it wasnt one punch stuff it was just punch after punch after punch after punch.

and koing an old joe louis (very old louis) whos' chin wasnt top notch either...and in that he got outboxed for around 2 rounds by joe's left jab.

walcott wanst a brutal puncher nor hard chinned. all he had was fast hands slick movement and tactics which almost beat marciano the first time.

lastarza was practically the same architype of rocky but instead had little stamina and not all action an untactical fighter with little talent just loads of guts and punch for a small heavy.

also you got to remember that marciano and lastarza were suppose to be the new blood when archie moore, louis,ezzard charles retired...but the old guys didnt retire and stuck it out. and the consiquence was that they were beaten by the more lively fighter.

well as some ob players where wondering who could beat marciano..and i said lewis has a shot...and WHAM i now have bare hate becuase of it so it's now boiled down to this a basterdised version of ali -tyson

the MARCIANO-LEWIS thread.

name:lennox lewis
prime wieght: 240 pounds

a tall and well athletic boxer, with a great jab which he used to back men away to keep them away or to cut them or to put a vail over the eyes whiel he lands his majorly destructive right hand. his right hand is by far the hardest punch in the 1993-2003 heavywieght division.

his athleticism made him able to move and to be agile for a big man he could keep beat a man with his ring generalship by cornering his opponent, making room for himself and all the while finding defencive flaws.

was koed 2 meager opposition has a very questinable chin has taken shots from som every hard hitters and not fallen down but koed by a very underprepaired mcCall and a b class fighter in rahamn

he could be a great inside fight as we see from the vitali,michael grant,galota,briggs,mercer,ruddock he could slug it out on the inside with his heart power and defencive abilties and huge body was able to dominate smaller less mobile fighters.

while being able to out box and out wit others tucker,weaver,tua,tyson

name:rocky marciano
prime wieght:180 pounds

marciano graduated from an era of hardknocks an acomplished athlete but little in the terms of talent. was not quick nore agile. all his his trainer quoted him for having "2 left feet" & "t-rex arms"

yet after his major deceptive had brute strength way beyond men his size. his stamina was amazing he would go 15 rounds staying as fresh as always. had a 'blockbuster' right hand and a crunching left hook. had a chin of iron as he would wade threw the punches to win and land his punches
larry merchant commented on his style "it's the toughest type of fighter you can be"

he was rarely hurt though could be dropped by his own foreward motion...and in that he would get up in less than 2 seconds.

his most notable wins were archie moore,ezzard charles,lastarza,walcott,(old but still mobile) louis.

boxers dont play....okly
Larry Holmes wrote:Hatton is better than Dela a boxer he is not but he can fight and doesn't worry so much about how his face will look after that he don't wanna attack Floyd. Oscars performance against Floyd was a disgrace.
Imagine getting paid like that for doing nothing ?
He lost his last chance for being up there with Sugar Ray Leonard which I guess is OK since he was never that caliber. Can't believe his latest results and still people think that he is All Dat. Pwned by Hopkins and Floyd. Sturm as well.
Anyone a little good will beat him now.

Hope this fight will be a lot better.
at last somone understands
he has lost every big fight he has won all the fights he should of won he gets robbed by trinidad...once and he gets gift decisions against quartey,sturm,whitaker
his power is very overated,his skills are very amatuerish and his whole career has been on hype.

he was just lucky to be a skinny but large framed 5'10 super feather so he could put wieght to middlewieght. he was awful in the higher wieghts.

trinidad has no power in the higher wieghts i dont think he koed anyone at middlewieght
at light heavy with a man who has campiegned for years in this division is going to be so one sided.

like couture sed it makes no fukin sense

trinidad though wanted to have a big fight for a whole year just no one could be fucked to play with him...theres no point too much to lose too so little to gain.

i hope trinidad goes out well or comes back and really gets into the light heavies or super middle
BlackBear wrote:Mikkel,
Take it easy, dont keep creating new things that people want, consider it at a later date. Best thing to do is to concentrate on OB3D and consider involving the ideas in there, instead of making more work for you.
i made this thread cause i loved the the new applet. it wasnt becuase of the blue writing that was a last thought.

mad respek
Couture wrote:

do you mean 70/30 for Floyd?

Oh Castillo did not beat him, Floyd is undefeated last time I checked

no i ment 70/40 the 10 is the betting overlapse.
thought you tricked me didnt ya DIDNT YA
there is more chance of floyd winning though but 40 by hatton is workrate and awkwardness
HTF wrote:

He didnt beat him as there is no W on his record no matter what the fans think.

Floyd also is better then he was at that time. I see floyding winning the same as he always done. Floyd to quick and can move.

Although I wouldnt mind seeing Floyd get koed.

castillo....beat his ass like nobodies business. left hook to the body when mayweather tried to pot shot. he swarmed he bashed he totally outworked him,he was all over floyd.floyd didnt land anything that would of won him the fight.....robery

and you act like mayweather is better now than he was then...he is 30 years old man. he isnt doing what he could do before in his career. when was the last time you saw him land a combo....gatti? and even that gatti is the easiest target to hit inside a boxing ring
Mikkel wrote:BLue writing ?
when someone is commenting in the applet the writing is in white. when there are technical things going on like your recieving a challenge or someone goes line is in blue writing.

now what happens now is that it is a strian on the eyes to translate it instead of seeing white or blue.....did that make any sense at all
Oscar wrote:Lol ^^^

Diaz won on UD. Morales isn't the fighter he used to be, got a feeling he lacks confidence now. Still want to see him fight on for a few years even if he does step down, just don't want to see him end his carear with losses.
he was way past it though he wasnt the fighter we saw 5 years ago.

i thikn he said he's retiring shame becuase i bet he could win another title but he isnt at the top of his game now
yeah...i love you basicly...only nag is that there isnt blue writing
Couture wrote:lol Floyd stops Hatton on cuts

PBF is too fast for Hatton, ricky never faced someone like PBF

in the other hand Floyd beat 2 pressure guys like hatton, Castillo x2 and a bigger stronger De La Hoya.
castillo beat floyd in the first fight in the rematch it was a cautiuos approach, and dlh.. please bigger man shiz dlh hanst faced a slick mover like that before the only man i though did was pernell...and he won by a very contreversial dicision.

hatton is small enough to not get into a jab fest or a counter clinic like dlh.hatton has the tools that has given floyd's a 70/40 for floyd but hatton is hard to beat
i think i have caused alot of confusion

especailly reaper lol.

this is a mythical pound 4 pound match up i do it all the time so i have never thought to spell it in any other way.

i like to belive that byrds jab ans inabilty ot get hit is his key the big puncher he faced were vitali ,tua and wlad(2X) he is 2/4 on the big puncher list an one fight him being way past his prime the fights he lost to were slow bombers who threw hard shots and used a lazy jab to back people up/ remember few people could adjust to chris's style he was fighting heavies with a welterwieght plan to jab throw left hands and get out as quick as possible.

also byrds stamina is monsterous where as foremans was rather weak and could frail out in the later rounds.

a good example of what the fight might look like would be moorer foreman with out the ko...i am sure of that byrd doesnt brawl and make mistakes like moorer did.

ud to byrd
sterlihalla wrote:im not sad enough to count and i dont duck or avoid matches
sad...mate your argueing over a onlineboxing game....

but yet we all are so we are all sad...i think
ando92 wrote:i dont any other games anymore i am 14 and pretty mature i can have a joke but be serious at times wen needed i dont think there shud b an adult only room i think it shud b general and if there is any young buff heads give em a slap across the head and kick em out im aussie and i really wanna start a server so everyone from aus can play ill do all the work if u want but please let us aussies have a boxing rank then mayb once a year we can use a program called hamachi and the lag will go away please let me start a server thanks
i agree im 17 and making an adult room is incredialus(

just warn people when they are stepping on ice and to know that they are doing know it's childish but give them a chance

yacoob is alright he is almost all tongue in cheek he doesnt mean it but he should be given a warning for spamming
Forum Index » Profile for mike watson » Messages posted by mike watson
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