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Dear Boon  XML
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Joined: 20/08/2008 17:20:52
Messages: 19

I am very sad you are choosing time when I am offline...
I am missing a lot my punching bag...
Please, overstep your fear, and take beating like man.
Sincerely, your nightmare
Dick E. Boon

Joined: 27/09/2007 19:14:45
Messages: 178

How can one ignore a love letter like this?
I'll be back soon, and I might bring Mr Viper along with me.
See you buddy!


Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

Dick E. Boon wrote:How can one ignore a love letter like this?
I'll be back soon, and I might bring Mr Viper along with me.
See you buddy!

hahaha. Are you kidding us? Mr. Viper got full pants and i think he will never come back again. He lost his will to win and his will to try. Just a shadow from the past...

Joined: 18/04/2006 06:15:39
Messages: 1584

I dont think Viper is going to take your bate Redneck, he has been ignoring it for weeks now. But nice try.



Joined: 09/04/2009 15:35:19
Messages: 459

Mikkel wrote:I dont think Viper is going to take your bate Redneck, he has been ignoring it for weeks now. But nice try. are right mikkel. I tried everything now but he keeps ignoring the call. But i am not that wrong with my words "He lost his will to win and his will to try". There is more truth in this words than you will recognize the first time you read it
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